M100/M100X - Ocean Signal
Ocean Signal M100 and M100X AIS and 121.5 Man Overboard Beacon: Reliable commercial MOB for swift rescue. Essential maritime safety devices.
M100 Professional MSLD AIS/Homing Locator Device - Lambda …
The M100 and M100X MSLD (Maritime Survivor Locating Device) from Ocean Signal has been designed to meet the needs of the professional marine market and its offshore workers. The M100 and M100X can be fitted to a life jacket or immersion suit and will automatically activate on inflation of the jacket or on submersion when fitted to the suit.
Boat personal locator beacon (PLB) - M100 - Ocean Signal
The M100 and M100X MSLD (Maritime Survivor Locating Device) from Ocean Signal has been designed to meet the needs of the professional marine market and its offshore workers. The M100 and M100X can be fitted to a life jacket or immersion suit and will automatically activate on inflation of the jacket or on submersion when fitted to the suit.
Maritime Survivor Locating Device the M100 AIS for marine
Maritime Survivor Locating Device from Ocean Signal Designed for the professional marine market and offshore workers. m100 ais plb Fitted to a life jacket will automatically activate on inflation of the Life Jacket or SeaSafe Coat.
Fitting Instructions Open life jacket and ensure everything is in working order. Locate attachment point. Un-tuck vertical webbing strap and position Mounting Bracket. Position M100 unit as shown. Ensure an audible “CLICK” heard from each clip on the Mounting Backet. The unit is now fixed and secure. Thread activation tape around
To activate your PLB in an emergency, pull the black antenna tab out completely. Lift the protective flap and press the key for one second until the LED flashes green, then release the key.
PLB M100 en M100X - Maritech
De Ocean Signal PLB M100 en M100X MSLD (Maritime Survivor Locating Device) van Ocean Signal is een professioneel man over boord apparaat met zowel AIS als 121.5 MHz homing-baken. M100 – M100X onopvallend bevestigd op overlevingspak of in reddingvest. Garandeert door automatische alarmering de beste overlevingskans MOB-noodsituatie.
OCEAN SIGNAL M100 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Ocean Signal M100 user manual online. Maritime Survivor Locating Device. M100 marine equipment pdf manual download. Also for: M100x.
Radiobaliza de localización personal PLB para barco - M100
Una vez activados, el M100 y el M100X transmitirán una alerta a todos los receptores AIS y plotters AIS de las proximidades. El M100 y el M100X también transmiten una señal de localización de 121,5 MHz además del AIS. El GPS integrado de 66 canales garantiza una actualización de la posición cada minuto a través del AIS.
Ocean Signal M100X Maritime Survivor Locating Device
The M100 and M100X MSLD (Maritime Survivor Locating Device) from Ocean Signal have been designed to meet the needs of the professional marine market and its offshore workers. The M100 and M100X can be fitted to a life jacket or immersion suit and will automatically activate on inflation of the jacket or on submersion when fitted to the suit.