M106 with NikonD5600-Bin2 - Cloudy Nights
2024年3月12日 · Scope was my RC6 + CCDT67 and set for 1057mm focal length. EQ6rPro mount which can handle the wind pretty good. I also used no filters whatsoever. Not even UV/IR. Camera is full spec modified. So this is around 4hrs of integration, maybe I add more to it tonight, maybe I'll pick another target. The colors maybe too yellow I guess..
M106 and a hint of IFN - Digital Photography Review
2021年3月22日 · Nice image, and there is some IFN around M106, but I doubt that you have captured it with just a couple hours of luminance (even from Bortle 4). Look around at some of the deeper exposures of M106 you can find online, and I don't think you will find any that match up well with your image for the faint background.
M106 Nikon D5600 (Frank Szabo) - AstroBin
Something I always wanted to try. I used Asiair Plus- Nikon D5600 and allows me to do Bin2/3/4 So I shot this using Bin2 with the Nikon D5600 full spectrum modded, and no filter
M106 Galaxy - wide field - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2024年5月2日 · So here we go...the old CCD technology meets the new CMOS right there in the heart of M106 Galaxy core
M106 (Work in Process) - Digital Photography Review
2021年3月27日 · Here is 4 hours of data on M106 and some of its neighbors. The entire field is quite a bit wider, but I think this is probably the best composition, balancing visibility on some additional faint fuzzies with the ability to see details on M106 itself.
M106: Astrophotography Talk Forum Forum: Digital Photography …
2020年5月17日 · It was clear a little bit so I took some shots of M106. I will admit I am a little disappointed but I didn't have a lot of exposure time. Total is just over 2 hours. Clear skies! This one seems ok just needs more subs and stars are round.
M106 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2020年12月25日 · M106 - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: M106 just learnt a new trick and applied to the M106 https://pixinsight.c...ed-hdrmt.15769/ Object : M106 Date : Jan.2018 - Feb.2018 Place : Gemini Remote Observatory, Lijiang, Yunnan, China Telescope : GSO RC10 , Mount : Skywatcher EQ8 Camera : SX-H694(-10ºC) , Filters : Astrodon LRGB Exposure ...
M106 with TS65 and Nikon D5300 ( Stefano Ciapetti ) - AstroBin
M106 with TS65 and Nikon D5300 Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Canes Venatici (CVn) · Contains: M 106 · NGC 4217 · NGC 4218 · NGC 4220 · NGC 4226 · NGC 4231 · NGC 4232 · NGC 4248 · NGC 4258 · NGC 4288 · NGC 4346
M106 | Focal World
2022年1月23日 · This is M106, a galaxy I have dreamed about for a few years and now with my new iOptron Gem28 astro mount, I am able to find it! This was taken with a 73%...
Hi I have a little image of M106, which I am sure plenty of you can do better But what I have managed to do on this image is intergrate Ha using the " Vincent Peris way " which uses a formula to ectract the line emission and add it to my image without affecting the stars to much , This is the best I have done with Ha 8)