Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles - Wikipedia
Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System (LAPES), later revised to Low-Velocity Air Drop (LVAD) variants of A0 production LMTV (M1081 cargo) and MTV (M1093 cargo and M1094 dump) variants were produced.
M1093 Standard Cargo Truck, LVAD - Federation of American …
The M1093 Standard Cargo Truck, LVAD is designed to be loaded on and dropped from C130 aircraft into remote areas where landing strips are not available. The vehicle is equipped to transport cargo and soldiers, as required.
Volume 2 contains the remainder of chapter 2, lubrication, troubleshooting, and maintenance procedures. Volume 1 is divided into the following major sections in order of appearance. FRONT COVER INDEX. The front cover index contains a list of …
US Army Achieves Milestone with Successful Airdrop Testing of …
2024年4月2日 · The M1093 Standard Cargo Truck, equipped for LVAD (Low Velocity Air Drop), is specially designed for deployment from military transport aircraft into inaccessible areas without runways. This versatile vehicle is built to carry both cargo and personnel as needed.
Product Manager Medium Tactical Vehicle (PM MTV) fields three models of unar-mored vehicles: the Airborne’s MTV Low Velocity Air Drop (LVAD) M1081, M1093, and M1094 (2.5T Cargo, 5T Cargo, and 5T Dump respectively). These models were designed in the early 1990s to provide low-tech solutions to an Airborne requirement.
FMTV战术车 - 百度百科
采用395R20XML 子午线轮胎 和自动控制的轮胎中央充放气系统,Allison M D-7D出动变速箱,乘坐舒适的悬挂系统行程超过254 mm。 LMTV系列包括M1078标准卡车、M1079箱式货车、M1080底盘和M1081空投卡车4种车型。 MTV系列包括M1083标准卡车、M1084带随车吊卡车、M1085长轴距卡车、M1086长轴距带随车吊卡车、M1087箱式货车、M1088牵引车、M1089抢修车、M1090自卸车、M1091油罐车、M1092底盘、M1093空投卡车、M1094空投自卸车 …
FMTV - M1078 and M1083 Series Vehicles (LMTV/MTV) - NSN …
1999年12月29日 · The M1093 Standard Cargo Truck, LVAD is designed to be loaded on and dropped from C130 aircraft into remote areas where landing strips are not available. The vehicle is equipped to transport cargo and soldiers, as required. The M1093 has a payload capacity of 10,000 pounds and to facilitate loading/unloading, the bed side rails are mounted on ...
FMTV - M1078 and M1083 Series - Family of Medium Tactical …
The M1093 Standard Cargo Truck, LVAD is designed to be loaded on and dropped from C130 aircraft into remote areas where landing strips are not available. The vehicle is equipped to transport cargo and soldiers, as required. The M1093 has a payload capacity of 10,000 pounds and to facilitate loading/unloading, the bed side rails are mounted on ...
美国陆军完成M1093A2中型卡车空投测试 提高空降部队战备能力
2024年4月4日 · 美国陆军宣布新型M1093A2战术车辆成功完成空投测试,由C-17和C-130运输机执行。 测试标志着军事后勤的重大飞跃,提高了作战效率和后勤保障能力。 M1093A2旨在取代老化的LMTV,具有现代化设计和高可靠性,将提高美国陆军在全球任务中的战备能力。 3月29日,美国陆军宣布,新型M1093A2系列中型战术车辆(FMTV)成功完成空投测试。 M1093A2空投测试。 相关测试由第82空降师保障旅第189战斗保障营第151军需连执行,这些测试代表着军事后 …
2009 BAE Systems M1093A1 5 Ton MTV 6x6 Cargo Truck W/Air Conditioning
Get the 2009 BAE Systems M1093A1 5 Ton MTV 6x6 Cargo Truck with air conditioning, a powerful engine, automatic transmission, and spacious cargo bed from Midwest Military Equipment.