105×617mmR - Wikipedia
Shortened variant (by 15.5 mm) of the Slpprj m/90C with a modified sabot to fit in the Strv 103 autoloader. Fitted with small bearing balls inside its hollow ballistic cap for improved beyond-armour effects against light armoured vehicles. The OFL 105 G2 uses a high energetic Swiss-made Wimmis double base propellant.
From the Vault: The Secret Testing of Israeli M111 “Hetz” Ammunition
2015年7月19日 · This article looks at the capture of an Israeli Magach-4 (M48) along with its brand new M111 Hetz ammunition by the Syrians during the 1982 “Operation Peace for Galilee” incursion. This tank and its ammunition eventually made there way to the Soviet Union were the M111 ammunition was evaluated, an event which contributed to the development ...
IS the M111 "Hetz" really a variant of the M735?
2017年9月19日 · The Israeli variant of the M735, nicknamed "Hetz". Several M111 rounds were supplied to the Soviets by the Syrians after being captured from the Israelis in 1982, which prompted the addition of a 16mm steel plate for the T-72, and a 20mm steel plate for the T-80, after testing showed it was unable to withstand the round.
MAGACH vs T-62 | 105mm M111 "Hetz" APFSDS - YouTube
The Israeli M111 Hetz was one of the first APFSDS projectiles for the 105mm L7 cannon, offering a massive improvement over standard APDS. Its tungsten alloy penetrator gave exceptional...
M111 - SBWiki - Steelbeasts.com
2014年12月23日 · The Israeli variant of the M735, nicknamed "Hetz". Several M111 rounds were supplied to the Soviets by the Syrians after being captured from the Israelis in 1982, which prompted the addition of a 16mm steel plate for the T-72, and a 20mm steel plate for the T-80, after testing showed it was unable to withstand the round.
保存在库宾卡的马加奇“Magach”主战坦克 - 腾讯网
2024年7月26日 · 在70年代末,以色列开发了新的105毫米M111“Hetz 6”羽式穿甲弹。 该弹药设计先进,可有效击穿阿拉伯国家T-55和T-62坦克的正面装甲。 苏联的测试表明,该弹药可在1500至2000米的距离上击穿T-72A和T-80B坦克的上前装甲。 M111穿甲弹的设计特点包括: • 弹芯:33毫米直径的钨合金弹芯。 • 减震器:分段的穿甲减震器,优化用于击穿大角度装甲。 • 引导装置:铝合金制成的盘形引导装置,减少对炮管的磨损。 • 尾翼:提高射击精度并减少弹道初速 …
105x617 DM53 APFSDS-T? - Ballistics Science Discussion
Most of the German 105 mm APFSDS ammunition was made by Diehl BGT Defence rather than Rheinmetall; apparently Diehl produced the 105 mm DM13 APDS (licence production of a British design), the 105 mm DM23 APFSDS (licenced copy of the Israeli M111 "Hetz"), the 105 mm DM33 APFSDS (IMI M413) and the 105 mm DM63 (IMI M426).
105x617 DM23 APFSDS-T - British Ordnance Collectors Network
The 105x617 DM23 projectile is produced in Israel and is the for Germany produced version of the Israeli M111 Hetz projectile. The DM23 projectile consists of an aluminum ballistic cap (A), screwed unto a Tungsten penetrator (C).
Tanks guns and ammunition. - Page 4 - Ballistics Science …
2016年4月17日 · After the 1982 war, the Israeli M111 Hetz APFSDS gained fame for piercing the armor of T-72 tanks.
Israeli Tanks in WWIII: Team Yankee
2025年2月7日 · Featuring the tried and true M68 105mm gun like the original models had, you will note we have improved ammunition in the form of M111 Hetz APFSDS ammunition, souped up after our recent adventures in Lebanon where we saw firsthand the Soviet T72.