M113A4 armored medical evacuation vehicle - Wikipedia
The M113A4 armored medical evacuation vehicle (AMEV) is a U.S. Army variant of a M113 armored personnel carrier (APC) made by United Defense (now part of BAE Systems) modified to function as a battlefield emergency medical evacuation (medevac) vehicle.
US Army accelerates M113 replacement with new $184 ... - Army …
2024年10月14日 · The AMPV Family of Vehicles (FoV) is being introduced to replace the older M113 series in the U.S. Army's Armored Brigade Combat Teams (ABCTs), offering modernized capabilities in survivability, mobility, and interoperability.
斯特赖克辅助支援型M1130/M1131/M1132/M1133/M1134/M1135 …
M1131炮兵观测车(解放军军语:火力支援车)(英语:M1131 Fire Support Vehicle, FSV)是美国史崔克装甲车系列的炮兵观测车版本,主要用于提供自动化监视、目标搜索及辨识、定点定位以及通讯。 一旦所定目标后,资讯即会被立刻回传至火力支援系统,支援火炮的炮手亦可立即获得目标资讯。 M1131 FSV的功能为提供对目标的监视、搜索、辨识,并即时为旅级战斗队提供“首发”效力射的火力支援(即首发即命中并歼灭目标)。 M1131 FSV装有M707史崔克任务装备套件。 …
United States Replaces Old M113 Ambulance with New Armored …
2024年5月27日 · The vehicle can accommodate four litter patients or six ambulatory patients, an improvement over its predecessor, the M113. The brigade's medical units now operate the M1284 Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MEV) and the M1285 Medical Treatment Vehicle (MTV) variants of …
The M113 FOV are fully tracked, self-propelled carriers, and are either thick skinned (armored) or thin skinned (unarmored). The ar-mored variants are derived from the M113A2 or M113A3, and the unarmored are derived from the M548. The M667 guided missile carrier is a special exception. It is thin skinned, but is not based on the M548. b.
M113接班人 + 擊敗輪車:BAE推出裝甲多功能載具原型車!
ampv係用以取代自1962年服役以來達54年的m113裝甲運兵車,在美軍裝甲旅中,m113扮演著補給車、戰鬥指揮車、提供間接火力支援、後勤支援與醫療後送等不同職務 。
MEV M1133 Stryker - AFV Database
2023年8月17日 · The Stryker MEV is the armored ambulance version of the Stryker ICV. The rear compartment has been enlarged with vertical walls and a 25cm (10") higher roof, the rear third of which slopes downward. Two litters can be stacked two high on each side of the rear compartment, and seats for three men are found on each side of the rear compartment.
替代M113装甲车,BAE系统展示为美国陆军研制的 ... - 搜狐
2019年9月9日 · m1284医疗后送车(mev)——替代m113装甲医疗后送车(amev)。 搭载3名乘员,可运载6名轻伤员、4名重伤员,或3名轻伤员和2名重伤员,车上配有必须的医疗设备。
Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle AMEV - GlobalSecurity.org
The AMEV overcomes the casualty treatment shortcomings of the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier in the medical evacuation role by providing room for the medical attendant to monitor patient...
M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle - Military Wiki
The M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle (AMEV) is a U.S. Army variant of a M113 armoured personnel carrier (APC) made by United Defense (now part of BAE Systems) modified to function as a battlefield emergency medical evacuation (medevac) vehicle. It replaced the M113A3 Armoured Ambulance...