M117 bomb - Wikipedia
The M117 is an air-dropped demolition bomb [1] used by United States military forces. The weapon dates back to the Korean War of the early 1950s. Although it has a nominal weight of 750 pounds (340 kg) its actual weight, depending on fuze and retardation options, can be around 820 pounds (372 kg).
M117 General Purpose Bomb - National Museum of the USAF
The M117 is a 750-pound general purpose bomb that can be employed in several different configurations. The basic M117 dates from the Korean War and uses a low-drag tail fin for medium and high-altitude deliveries.
M117 General Purpose Bomb - Dumb Bombs - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The M117 is a free-fall, unguided, general purpose [GP] 750-pound bomb. Its usual fuzes are the mechanical M904 (nose) and M905 (tail), or the mechanical FMU-54 (tail). The M117 is employed...
Bomb, 750 lb GP, M117 - Bulletpicker
These are general-purpose (GP) high explosive (HE) bombs which may use proximity, mechanical, or electric nose and tail fuzes. When used as an M117D (destructor), the M117 bomb has a fuzing system actuated by magnetic/seismic influence. Both fragmentation and blast effect are produced by these bombs. Hazardous Components
M117/118通用爆破炸弹 - 百度百科
M117/118系列低阻通用爆破炸弹,是新型 航空炸弹。 但由于其口径较大,仅由美国空军使用,A-10、F-4、F-15E、F-16、F-111和B-52G等作战飞机都有装备。 曾在越南战场上曾大量使用,在1991年的 海湾战争 中亦大量使用,仅B-52G轰炸机就投放了44660颗M117炸弹。 MK80系列炸弹相似,其气动性能较好,适用于高空高速投放,可内载、也可以外挂。 [1] M117/118系列低阻通用爆破炸弹,是新型航空炸弹。 但由于其口径较大,仅由美国空军使用,A-10、F-4、F-15E …
M117 bomb - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The M117 is a general-purpose bomb. It is dropped from the air by an airplane. It is used by United States military forces. The M117 was used for the first time in the Korean War in the early 1950s. Its nominal weight is 750 pounds (340 kg), but its actual weight, depending on fuze and delay options, is around 820 pounds (372 kg).
如何评价M117/118通用爆破炸弹? - 知乎
m117是美国军队使用的一种空投爆破炸弹。 这种武器可以追溯到20世纪50年代初的朝鲜战争。 虽然它的标称重量为750磅(340公斤),但其实际重量,取决于引信和减速选择,可以在820磅(372公斤)左右。
M117 General Purpose Bomb - The Historical Marker Database
The M117 is an air-dropped general purpose bomb used by United States military forces. It is designed for a higher blast effect than other general purpose bombs of comparable weight. It dates back to the time of the Korean War of the early 1950s.
M117 bomb - Military Wiki | Fandom
The M117 is an air-dropped general-purpose bomb used by United States military forces. It dates back to the time of the Korean War of the early 1950s. Although it has a nominal weight of 340 kilograms (750 lb), its actual weight, depending on fuze and retardation options, is around 372 kilograms (820 lb).
The standard M117 bomb has very erratic ricochet patterns. Usually the bomb bounces too high and tumbles too much to be used as a skip bomb, and the critical angle of impact to insure penetration into the ground is too high for many uses. The …