M14 rifle - Wikipedia
The M14 rifle, officially the United States Rifle, Caliber 7.62 mm, M14, is an American battle rifle chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge. It became the standard-issue rifle for the U.S. …
Welcome to TreelineM14 - U.S. RIFLE 7.62 MM M14
M14 M1A Stocks and Stock Parts. M14 M1A Rifle Parts. Tools, Optics and Accesssories
枪械科普:M14 - 哔哩哔哩
M14 (United States Rifle, Caliber 7.62 mm, M14)是美国在二次大战后采用的一款战斗步枪,由斯普林菲尔德兵工厂设计及生产,用以取代美国军队在二战期间大量配备的M1加兰德步枪, …
Fred's M14 Stocks
Welcome to Fred's, where the M1A/M14 is king!** It's the king because it is the best battle rifle the US Army ever fielded (even if they didn't know it!), so naturally, it had one of the shortest …
如何评价M14自动步枪? - 知乎
美国m14式7.62毫米自动步枪,采用导气式原理和枪机回转闭锁方式,导气装置位于枪管下方。 该枪可以选择半自动或全自动射击,但多数情况下该枪都采用的是半自动射击。
M14 M1A USGI Rifle Stocks (Walnut Birch Synthetic) - TreelineM14
USGI rifle stocks in wood (birch and walnut) and synthetic (fiberglass) for the M14/M1A rifle and associated stock metal parts
M14 Big Red Rifle Stock Compared to a Standard Stock
Around 1963, the military switched to a beefed up version of the standard M14 stock after the original stocks showed a tendency of cracking. Fred's M14 stocks named these Big Red after …
M14 M1A USGI Wood Stock, Walnut Big Red Very Good
An original M14 walnut "Big Red" wood stock. These are a late production modified design of the original M14 wood stock. The pistol grip/wrist area and receiver/mag cutout were thickened to …
What is a "Big Red?" - M14 Forum
2009年3月10日 · I suspect that the stocks made to drawing number 11010263 are what Fred calls "Big red." Can be either birch or walnut according to Fred. I guess I'm waiting for someone …
"Big Red" History lesson - M14 Forum
2011年5月5日 · I just bought a birch Big Red stock, and to be honest, I don't know what I got. Can someone here give me a quick history lesson on my stock, how to finish it, and what …