M14/41 tank - Wikipedia
The M 14/41 was a four-crew medium tank that served from 1941 in the Royal Italian Army. The official Italian designation was Carro Armato M 14/41. The tank was first employed in the North …
M14/41坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m14/41戰車是義大利於1941年開始使用的一款4人座戰車。 雖然 意大利皇家陸軍 將其劃為中型戰車,但與其他同期坦克強國— 蘇聯 的 T-34戰車 (31噸以上)、 德國 的 四號戰車 (25噸) …
T-14 Armata - Wikipedia
The T-14 Armata (Russian: Т-14 «Армата»; industrial designation Russian: Объект 148, romanized: Obyekt 148, lit. 'Object 148') is a Russian fourth-generation main battle tank (MBT) …
M14/41戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
m14/41戰車是義大利於1941年開始使用的一款4人座戰車。 雖然 義大利皇家陸軍 將其劃為中型戰車,但與其他同期戰車強國— 蘇聯 的 T-34戰車 (31噸以上)、 德國 的 四號戰車 (25噸) …
意大利M系列坦克 - 百度百科
m13/40及其改进型m14/41“中型”坦克,是意大利陆军在二战时期的主要坦克装备。 该坦克曾在 北非 、南斯拉夫、希腊作战中广泛使用。 意大利的坦克划分标准明显偏低,“卡罗·阿玛托”M系 …
Carro Armato M14/41 (1942) - tank-afv.com
The Carro Armato M14/41 was the second most common Italian medium tank of the war
Carro Armato M14/41, M13/40 - WW2 Weapons
The Carro Armato M13/40 and M14/41 were Italian medium tanks used during World War II. These tanks were designed to replace the earlier and less effective M11/39 tank. The M13/40 …
Carro Armato M14/41 Medium Tank - Military Factory
2019年6月27日 · The Carro Armato M14/41 served in the medium tank role for the Italian Army (as well as a few notable others) during World War 2. The type was adopted for service in …
M14/41 tank | Military Wiki | Fandom
The M 14/41 was a four-crew medium tank that served from 1941 in the Royal Italian Army. The official Italian designation was Carro Armato M 14/41. The tank was first employed in the North …
M14/41 Medium Tank | World War II Database - ww2db.com
ww2dbase Carro Armato M 14/41 medium tanks entered production in 1941. Although these tanks had their own distinct designation, they were actually an improved version of the …