Attachment 4— M16 SERIES, GAU/GUU SERIES RIFLES AND M4 SERIES CARBINES (5.56MM) 15 Attachment 5— M12, M500, M590, M590A1, M590A2, AND M870 SHOTGUN
Retro XM177E2/CAR15 Finished!! | Gun and Game Forum
2010年8月19日 · -4 position fiberlite CAR stock (unk. maker) with USGI castle nut and receiver plate -Either faux XM177E2 slip over flash hider or M16A1 FH: depending if I am going like the XM177E2 I carried as a LEO or a GAU-5/P as Air Force Security Police (reserves). -USGI 20 and/or 30 round aluminum magazines I have a Vietnam era M14/M16 OD nylon sling en ...
M4 in Viet Nam? - Gun and Game Forum
2014年1月16日 · Watching the movie "Platoon", staged in Viet Nam '67-'68, and I saw 2 NCO's (played by Tom Berenger and William DeFoe) carrying what looked to be M4's, complete with round handguards, short barrels, and collapsible stocks. I served late '70's to mid '80's, but I didn't know they had those in Viet Nam. All I had was a M16 A1.
5.56 mag function in a .223 AR? - Gun and Game Forum
2011年5月5日 · I have a Colt AR .223 . I have found a good deal on Colt AR15/M16 surplus mags, but they are 5.56. Will they work properly with my Colt .223 using .223 and...
Sighting in the AR-15 / M-16 - Gun and Game Forum
2011年12月22日 · Sighting the AR-16 / M-16 First I want to explain the rear sight, since there are a couple of variants out there. under the sight aperture is a rotating drum for yardage compensation. there are two different types of ranging drums. one is marked 6/3 (600 meter maximum range, 300 meter...
mattell ? | Gun and Game Forum
2002年3月21日 · I think it was considered clever to call the original M16's a "Mattel Toy", because of their light weight, synthetic stocks, unconventional appearance, etc. It's possible that Mattel was subcontracted to make some of the stocks or handguards (but I doubt it), and anyway, the lower receiver is the only component marked with the full manufacturer ...
Effective Range of US Service Rifles | Gun and Game Forum
2014年3月11日 · "effective range for the average HHQ soldier was about 3 feet past the coffee cup" LOL, served in Bn HHQ most of my time in army in an S2 intel section and qualified as expert marksman on both the M14 and M16 rifles.
shooting with gas masks | Gun and Game Forum
2011年2月24日 · With the modern U.S. Army gas mask it was a Pain in the arse to shoot the m16 with it on but you develop your own method that works for you.
Daewoo DR-200 - Gun and Game Forum
2011年4月17日 · The original K2 had brake holes that were concentrated to the upper right to counteract recoil. The front sight is very HK-like, the rear like a Garand. The reciprocating bolt can be used to force bad rounds into the chamber, no weak forward assist, ala M16. The original K2 stock is a tubular folder like is found on an FAL Para model.
M16a5 | Gun and Game Forum
2021年4月19日 · The concept lives on in the commercial side of the AR15 market for those that want full 20" rifle performance but without the drawbacks of the standard system, but it basically died off fairly quickly on the military side because the US Marines ultimately ditched the M16 all together and replaced it with the HK M27 IAR as their general issued ...