M16A4 | FN® Firearms
The FN® M16A4 is an M16A2 with a removable handle and full-length quad picatinny rail. The M16A2 weapon system was developed at the request of the United States Marine Corps to improve on the M16A1 and went into large scale production by 1987.
FN 15 ® Military Collector M16
Directly from the front lines to your collection, the FN 15® Military Collector Series M16 is a military replica rifle made to FN’s exacting specifications. The semi-automatic rifle is chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO and features a 20-inch, 1:7″ RH, button-broached, and chrome-lined barrel.
M16A4 - 枪炮世界
不过有意思的是,这次的M16A4由两家供应商提供,供应陆军的是柯尔特,而供应海军陆战队的是FNMI,看来陆军是铁了心不向FNMI订购制式步枪了。 其实最初试用时,也只是向柯尔特极少量订购M16A4,而一开始的大宗订单,都是向FNMI下的。 就是这一期的《海军陆战队时报》宣布了这个消息. M16A4 是将枪械作为一个模块、火控系统作为一个模块来设计的。 瞄具采用了许多的新技术,但枪械本身改进不多。 机匣为平顶式,上端有 MIL-STD-1913 皮卡汀尼导轨,可安装瞄 …
FN 15® M16 Upper Assembly
The FN 15® Military Collector Series M16 upper receiver assembly is an authentic reproduction of the original, made to FN’s and the U.S. military’s exacting specifications. A 20-inch, 1:7 RH, button-broached barrel is chrome-lined and chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO.
M16A4自动步枪是M16自动步枪的一种改型,使用30发5.56毫米口径子弹装填的并具有3发点射功能的突击步枪。 稳定的命中率和独特的3发点射功能充分体现了它瞬间火力强大的优点,但3发点射后是有较长延迟的。 M16A4自动步枪取消了之前的固定可拆卸携带提把以及金属照门的组合,而是以MIL-STD-1913皮卡汀尼导轨取代之。 这使得枪支可以同时装备可拆卸携带提把或者其他大部分军用和民用的瞄准具或者目视装置。 所有美国海军陆战队的M16A4都装配了奈特武器公司 …
M16 - A1 /A2 /A3 /A4 - Modern Firearms
The M16A4 rifle, produced by FN. Rifle is equipped with the RIS forend and with the folding back-up iron sight (BUIS)
FN USA FN15 Military Collector M16 Semi-Auto Rifle
The FN USA FN15 Military Collector M16 Semi-Auto Rifle is a civilian-legal reproduction on the US Military's M16 Rifle. Built to legit mil-spec standards and featuring the Knight's Armament M5 RAS adapter rail, this is a straight-to-business battle rifle.
FN FN15 Military Collector M16A4 Rifle 5.56mm 20" URG
The FN FN15 M16 upper receiver features a 20" chrome-lined barrel, Mil-Spec forged upper receiver, Knight's M5 RAS handguard, Matech rear sight, Mil-Spec BCG and charging handle. This upper is ideal for your M16A4 build.
FN USA FN 15 Military Collector Series M16A4 Complete Upper …
The FN 15® Military Collector Series M16 upper receiver assembly is an authentic reproduction of the original, made to FN’s and the U.S. military’s exacting specifications. A 20-inch, 1:7 RH, button-broached barrel is chrome-lined and chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO.
FN USA FN15 Military Collector M16 Semi-Auto Rifle | Cabela's
The FN USA FN15 Military Collector M16 Semi-Auto Rifle is a civilian-legal reproduction on the US Military's M16 Rifle. Built to legit mil-spec standards and featuring the Knight's Armament M5 RAS...