M17/M18 MHS: New Slide Function Check > Army Sustainment …
2020年6月12日 · Start with the original striker assembly check in WP 12 of TM 9-1005-470-10 (Mar 19) or WP 10 of TM 9-1005-470-23&P (Jun 19). If your slide fails this function test, perform this new slide function...
M17/M18 MHS: Rear Sight Inspection and Repair
2022年12月14日 · The M17/M18 MHS rear sight inspection and repair procedures have been addressed in two MAMs. TACOM is seeing a trend where these procedures aren’t being followed. Keep reading to learn how to...
M17 - M18 23&P Manual 17.pdf - ARMY TM 9-1005-470-23&P AIR...
2024年4月30日 · army tm 9-1005-470-23&p air force to 11w3-3-4-32 navy (navsea) sw370-da-mmm-010 headquarters, departments of the army, air force, and navy washington, d.c., 15 october 2017 field maintenance manual including repair parts and special tools list for modular handgun system (mhs) pistol, 9mm, semiautomatic m17 (nsn 1005-01-661-7317) pistol, 9mm, semiautomatic m18 (nsn 1005-01-661-7323) pistol, 9mm ...
TrainingNCO.com / 031-503-1036 - PBworks
Maintain your assigned protective mask. Perform preventive-maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on the mask according to the applicable TM. Clean and dry the mask. Do not damage the mask. Record uncorrected deficiencies and shortcomings on …
Preventive-maintenance checks and services (PMCS) are performed on the mask according to the applicable TM. The mask is cleaned and dried. No damage is done to the mask. Record uncorrected deficiencies on DA Form 2404 or DA Form …
Standards: Correctly clear and disassemble the M17/M18 pistol, matching the parts with the correct nomenclature labels within 30 seconds. Correctly assemble and perform a functions check on the...
TM 9-1005-470-10 - Operator Manual For MHS (M17 M18) - Scribd
Operator Manual for M17 and M18 Modular Handgun System TM 9-1005-470-10. This is the US military's Training Manual for M17 and M18 pistols which are the military's version of the Sig Sauer P320 handgun. This manual is more in-depth than the civilian manual for the P320.
PEO Soldier | Portfolio - PM SL - M17/M18 Modular Handgun System
The M17 MHS is the full-sized semi-automatic handgun, while the M18 MHS and the M18 General Officer (GO) handgun are its compact variants. The M17 replaces the M9; the M18 replaces the M11; and...
Performing Function Check on M17/M18 Pistol: Step-by-Step …
2023年4月18日 · You have your assigned weapon, an M17 or M18 pistol and must perform a function check on the pistol as part of a pre-combat check or inspection. The pistol has been cleared and you have an empty pistol magazine on hand. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.
Into to M17 Pistol 1 .pptx - Introduction to M17 Pistol...
2022年12月14日 · Engage Target M17 Immediate Action (WP 0010) Immediate action is the prompt action taken by the user to correct a stoppage without attempting to discover the cause. Slide Forward, Pistol Fails to Fire 1.