M777 howitzer - Wikipedia
The M777 howitzer is a British towed 155 mm artillery piece in the howitzer class. It is used by the ground forces of Australia, Canada, Colombia, India, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and the United …
CAR-15 - Wikipedia
The Colt Automatic Rifle-15 or CAR-15 is a family of M16 rifle –based firearms marketed by Colt in the 1960s and early 1970s. However, the term "CAR-15" is most commonly associated with …
美国陆军XM177、空军GAU-5系列 - 枪炮世界
把XM177系列定型为冲锋枪,其实是从用途来决定的,因为该枪的作用是取代美军二战遗留下来的M1A1、M3/M3A1等冲锋枪。 用今天的定义看来,XM177显然是属于短突击步枪,但在当 …
XM177冲锋枪 - 百度百科
XM177冲锋枪是柯尔特公司在1965年初研制的一种冲锋枪,最初被称为CAR-15的改良版。 XM177冲锋枪的设计初衷是为了满足特种部队和其他特殊作战单位的需求,因此其设计较为紧 …
Colt XM177E1 / GAU-5 / CAR-15 (1965-1966) - Retro Rifles
The 10 inch barrel Colt XM177 (model 609) was essentially a fielded prototype - and the first Colt CAR-15 SMG version to see limited issue to SEALs, Special Forces and the CIA. Production …
Colt CAR-15 Commando (XM177) - Military Factory
2019年2月15日 · The Colt CAR-15 Commando (XM177) was an assault carbine developed during the United States military involvement in the Vietnam War (1955-1975) to fulfill a need for a …
MACV-SOG: A Unit of Modern Forces Living History Group -----
The Model 610 was classified as the XM177 but adopted by the Air Force as the GAU-5/A Submachine Gun (GAU = Gun, Aircraft, Unit.) The Army purchased 2,815 Model 609 CAR-15 …
Meet the CAR-15: America’s Ultimate ‘Commando’ Rifle?
2021年3月17日 · During the Vietnam War, the Pentagon provided U.S. Army Green Berets and U.S. Navy SEALs commandos with a shorter, more compact version of the M16 rifle. The CAR …
Crosman .177 Bolt Action Variable Pump .177-Caliber Pellet and BB Air Gun
2013年10月15日 · Magfire technology, sleek wood and all-weather synthetic profiles. Excellent for small game hunting. Crosman provides everything you need for your next air power advenure! …
XM177冲锋枪系列 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月28日 · 唯一正式采用XM177系列的是美国空军,命名为GAU-5系列(GAU是Gun, Automatic, Universal的缩写),共有4种不同型号。 柯尔特公司公布了专门为CAR-15冲锋枪研 …