M18 Hellcat in the Yugoslav National Army - Balkan war history
2016年5月4日 · Tank destroyer M18 Hellcat is a self-propelled anti-tank weapon from World War II. It is characterized by a thin armor of only 7-19 (12) mm and is the only effective tactic against heavy German tanks were hit & run tactics (hit and run). …
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - Tank Encyclopedia
The M36 and M18 would remain in service up to the collapse of Yugoslavia in the early ’90s as mobile artillery, mostly as the JNA never found any good replacements for them. The obsolescence and lack of repair parts for these vehicles was an additional reason why the JNA military official decided to turn to the East.
M18 Hellcats in Yugoslavia after WWII / the “Krajina Express”
2020年2月9日 · The M18 Hellcat was an effective tank destroyer of the US Army during WWII. Its final combat use came during the 1990s collapse of Yugoslavia. (M18 Hellcat in Cold War-era markings of the JNA, or Yugoslav Federal Army.) (A M18 Hellcat of the Croatian army in 1994.) (A M18 Hellcat atop the Krajina Express war…
Kopnena vojska JNA – Wikipedija
U trenutku isporuke JNA je dobila najmoderniji zapadni tenk M47 Patton, 1951. godine. M18 jedan od najbržih lovaca tenkova ostao je u JNA do kraja postojanja armije. M-84 predstavljao je najmoderniji i jedini masovno proizveden tenk u SFR Jugoslaviji.
血与蜜和柴油——波黑战争之中的坦克装甲车辆 - 知乎
塞族士兵经过被击毁的波黑陆军的m18。 停火时,部署在Visca的波黑陆军第28步兵师第281旅第1坦克营的T-55和OT M-60正在接受北约方面的检查。 北约部队会检查各方车辆是否都撤回驻地,遵守条约。
南斯拉夫SO-122研发史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
战争结束后的1947年,南斯拉夫以每门11,472美元的价格从苏联购买了约66架新的122毫米m1931 / 37火炮。 根据jna军事官员的决定,向第三军提供了32门,第一和第二军分配了四支枪, 14门用于储备。剩余的12门被送到一个特殊单位,代号为8888-i。
SO-122 - Tank Encyclopedia
2018年6月2日 · After the war, in 1947, some 66 new 122mm M1931/37 guns were bought from the Soviet Union at a price of US$11,472 per unit. By decision of the JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army) military officials, 32 guns were given to the third Army, four guns were assigned to the First and Second Army, and 14 were kept in reserve.
Yugoslav People's Army ground forces Part II - Balkan war history
2016年4月23日 · M18 one of the fastest tanks hunter remained in the JNA until the end of an army. Many JNA units disposed of are a large number of anti-aircraft (PVO) equipment; it was estimated that the anti-aircraft artillery weapons total was more than 5,000. Ground units included four rocket regiment surface-to-air and 11 artillery regiments PVO.
M18 Hellcat – Wikipedija
Lovac tenkova M18 Hellcat je protuoklopno samohodno oružje iz Drugog svjetskog rata. Karakterizira ga tanak oklop od svega 7-19 (12)mm, pa je jedina djelotvorna taktika protiv teških njemačkih tenkova bila hit&run taktika (udari i bježi). Hellcat je …
M18坦克歼击车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年11月9日 · M18“地狱猫”式坦克歼击车 (M18 Hellcat)为 美国陆军 在 第二次世界大战 时开发的一款 坦克歼击车。 它是美军在二战时,所有 履带 装甲战斗车辆中,行驶速度最快的战车。 故有“ 地狱猫 ”的称号。 同时是坦克歼击车中少数底盘为全新设计,而非沿用既有战车之底盘的型号。 1941年美军备战时,坦克歼击车部队指挥官 安德鲁·戴维斯·布鲁斯 (英语:Andrew Davis Bruce) 中校理解的坦克歼击车应该是要比战车有更快的速度以及更强劲的火力,以海战概念套 …
Samohodno oruđe M18 - PALUBA
Nakon povlačenja jedinica JNA iz Makedonije, zaostalo je nekoliko M18, ali pokušaj osposobljavanja nije uspeo. Ova samohodna oruđa, su viđena i u Kosovskom konliktu, tokom NATO bombardovanja, ali izgleda da su korišćeni samo kao lažni ciljevi za NATO avijaciju.
M18坦克歼击车 - 百度百科
m18坦克歼击车 不过在第二次世界大战西线战场上,这种 M18Hellcat坦克歼击车 因为投入数量比较少,以至其名气远不及前面提到的M10和M36,它在美军对德军 装甲部队 的作战中并没有发挥很大的作用。
M18 Hellcat-T-54/55 hybrid from the Balkan wars in the 1990s
2022年6月5日 · This vehicle started life as a normal JNA T-54/55 Cold War-era tank. In 1991 it was passed, legally or otherwise, by the withdrawing JNA to a local Serb militia in Bosnia. Shortly thereafter, it was “mobility-killed” (most likely either track damage or superficial engine damage) by Bosniak forces and abandoned otherwise intact.
Kopnena vojska JNA – Wikipedija/Википедија
U trenutku isporuke JNA je dobila najmoderniji zapadni tenk M47 Patton, 1951. godine. M18 jedan od najbržih lovaca tenkova ostao je u JNA do kraja postojanja armije. M-84 predstavljao je najmoderniji i jedini masovno proizveden tenk u SFR Jugoslaviji.
Kopnena vojska JNA - Wikipedia
M18 Hellcat, jedan od najbržih lovaca tenkova ostao je u JNA do kraja postojanja armije. M-84 predstavljao je najmoderniji i jedini masovno proizvođen tenk u SFR Jugoslaviji. Tenkovi
Yugoslav Ground Forces - Wikipedia
The Yugoslav Ground Forces (Serbo-Croatian: Kopnena Vojska – KoV, Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: Копнена Војска – КоВ) was the ground forces branch of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) from 1 March 1945 until 20 May 1992 when the last remaining remnants were merged into the Ground Forces of the new Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ...
Kopnena vojska JNA — Википедија
Kopnena vojska JNA svoje korene vuče iz jugoslovenskih partizanskih jedinica za vreme Drugog svetskog rata. Kao datum osnivanja se smatrao 22. decembar 1941. godine, kada je formirana prva brigada Narodno-oslobodilačke vojske Jugoslavije (NOVJ), u Rudu u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Копнена војска ЈНА — Википедија
Копнена војска (скраћено КоВ) је по бројности била највећи вид Југословенске народне армије. Имала је око 200.000 активних војника (укључујући 90.000 регрута), а могла је у ратним околностима да мобилише преко милион резервиста.
M18 ('HELLCAT') - strijdbewijs
Tijdens de burgeroorlog in de jaren negentig van de vorige eeuw, werden de M18's geregeld ingezet door de Bosnische Serviërs, die gesteund werden door de JNA (Joegoslavische Volksleger) en later door Servië. Tijdens dit conflict wist de HVO (Kroatische Bosniërs) enkele M18's te confisqueren en zelf in te zetten.
The M18 pistol is a mechanically locked, short-recoil operated weapon featuring an automatic striker pin safety lock, ambidextrous manual safety, and external slide catch lever. Loading is...