Type 64 (tank) - Wikipedia
The Type 64 is essentially a M42 Duster hull with an M18 Hellcat turret on top with a 76mm gun. The M18s were originally decommissioned tanks supplied to the ROC Armed Forces during the Chinese Civil War and later, whilst the hulls were surplus M42 hulls ordered and shipped to the island of Taiwan.
如何评价M18地狱猫坦克歼击车? - 知乎
由此可见, 二战时期的美国坦克和美国坦克歼击车搭载的76.2毫米炮和3英寸炮在发射M62穿甲弹和M79穿甲弹时对豹式坦克的正面装甲的打击效果远没有德黑说的那么夸张。 不过由3英寸炮发射的M62穿甲弹可以在较远的距离上击穿豹式坦克的侧后装甲。 我不理解你,你也不理解我,如此最好。 这车最大的优点就是快,有多快呢,设计时速有88km/h 。 也就是说地狱猫跑的比香港⋯⋯不对,是二战中绝大多数的装甲车辆都快(在此我强烈要求二雷还原历史) 地狱猫的主要武器为1 …
二战中跑的最快的坦歼:M18“地狱猫”坦克歼击车 - 哔哩哔哩
M18坦克歼击车 - 百度百科
美军在 二战 期间使用过的坦克歼击车除了著名的M10和M36以外,就还有这种M18“地狱猫”坦克歼击车,M18的产量只有2507辆,它的优点在于速度较快。 (也是当时世界上最快的坦克歼击车) 不过在第二次世界大战西线战场上,这种 M18Hellcat坦克歼击车 因为投入数量比较少,以至其名气远不及前面提到的M10和M36,它在美军对德军 装甲部队 的作战中并没有发挥很大的作用。 美国 在1943年7月开始生产这种M18Hellcat坦克歼击车,一直生产到1944年10月才停止生产。 …
M18 Hellcat - Wikipedia
The M18 Hellcat (officially designated the 76 mm Gun Motor Carriage M18 or M18 GMC) is a tank destroyer used by the United States Army in World War II and the Korean War.
M18 GMC (China) - War Thunder Wiki
The ␗M18 Gun Motor Carriage is a rank IV Chinese light tank with a battle rating of 5.3 (AB) and 6.0 (RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.91 "Night Vision". The M18 GMC (China) has extremely thin armour throughout its construction.
坦克歼击车科普:M18地狱猫 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年3月29日 · M18“地狱猫”式坦克歼击车 ( M18 Hellcat )为美国陆军在第二次世界大战时开发的一款坦克歼击车。它是美军在二战时,所有履带装甲战斗车辆中,行驶速度最快的战车。
M18 GMC | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.49 "Weapons of Victory", the M18 "Hellcat" was the epitome of the American tank destroyer doctrine. It is very fast, very mobile, and has a powerful gun, though with a large trade-off of only 12.7 mm (0.5 inches) of armour.
M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer ROC Marine Corps | HLJ.com
The 76 mm M18 tank destroyer was produced by General Motors Buick Division who named the M18 the "Hellcat". The M18 was the fastest tracked AFV of WWII reaching speeds up to 60 mph. The speed was possible because of the lack of heavy armor.
M18 Hellcat (Family) - War Thunder Wiki
The M18 Hellcat, designated 76 mm Gun Motor Carriage M18 (M18 GMC) The Shooting Range #327 - Pages of History section at 04:01 discusses the M18 Hellcat. Buick is a division of General Motors (GM). L6/40 · L6/40 (31 Rgt.)