M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage - Wikipedia
The M19 multiple gun motor carriage (MGMC) was a World War II United States Army self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon on the M24 light tank chassis. It was equipped with two Bofors 40 mm guns. It was produced by Cadillac and Massey Ferguson of Canada near the end of 1944. The M19 was developed from the T65 which was based on the M5 light tank ...
M19 Gun Motor Carriage (M19 Twin 40mm) - Military Factory
The M19 Twin 40mm (M19 Gun Motor Carriage) self-propelled anti-aircraft system was developed towards the tail-end of World War 2 and made available in April of 1945. However, the war in Europe more-or-less ended the following month and the Empire of Japan capitulated in August of that same year, ending the war in the Pacific.
M19自行高炮 - 百度百科
T65E1 型被进一步改进并定型为 M-19 型 40 毫米自行高炮。 M-19 型自行高炮安装有双联装 40 毫米 M-1 型高炮,炮架为敞开式结构,仅在高炮前部两侧安装有防盾。 乘员6人,战斗全重16.8吨。 装甲厚度12.7~19毫米,最大速度56千米/时,发动机功率220马力。 与 M-24 相比,M-19 的底盘结构有所变动,主要是发动机和传动机构被前置,从而为后部底盘留出足够空间安装 M-1 型高炮的炮架及旋转部件。 整个高炮的旋转与升降均采用电力驱动,高炮最大仰角为 85 度。 M-19 型 …
2020年1月7日 · 在火炮的选择上,美军要求使用美国仿制自瑞典的博福斯40毫米高射炮,这种火炮的弹道性能优异,是二战期间最好的中口径防空炮之一。 有了火炮,然后就需要合适的底盘,设计师先后选择了M3、M5“斯图亚特”轻型坦克的底盘,但是都不太理想,因为这两款底盘尺寸过小,横贯车体的传动轴导致车体过高,不适合安装中口径高射炮。 德国四号自行高射炮. 在美国研发M24“霞飞”轻型坦克之前,曾有一款T-24原型坦克,这款坦克底盘和霞飞差别不大,不管是尺 …
Twin 40mm GMC M19 - 50megs
2025年1月31日 · The 40mm guns were fed by four-round clips into an automatic loader with a maximum capacity of seven rounds, and the dual guns could be fired in rapid bursts at 240 rounds per minute. The M19 could tow an ammunition trailer M28 with a further 320 rounds of 40mm ammunition, raising the total available to 672.
M19 Gun Motor Carriage (M19 Twin 40mm) - Military Equipment …
The M19 Twin 40 mm (M19 Gun Motor Carriage) self-propelled air defense system was developed at the end of World War II and launched in April 1945. However, the war in Europe was more or less over the following month, with the surrender of Imperial Japan in August of the same year, ending the Pacific War.
【FOREART 2004】1/72 M19双联装40mm自行高射炮开盒评测
2024年7月15日 · M-19型自行高炮安装有双联装40毫米M-1型高炮,炮架为敞开式结构,仅在高炮前部两侧安装有防盾。 乘员6人,战斗全重16.8吨。 装甲厚度12.7~19毫米,最大速度56千米/时,发动机功率220马力。 与M-24相比,M-19的底盘结构有所变动,主要是发动机和传动机构被前置,从而为后部底盘留出足够空间安装M-1型高炮的炮架及旋转部件。 整个高炮的旋转与升降均采用电力驱动,高炮最大仰角为85度。 由于战争结束,M-19型40毫米自行高炮生产由原来 …
该型炮乘员6人,战斗全重16800千克,装甲厚度12.7~19毫米,发动机功率162千瓦,最大时速56千米/小时,在特制的可旋转360度的炮塔内,装备40毫米火炮2门,配弹352发,火炮高低射界-3°~+87°,最大射高7000米,最大水平射程8750米。 该型炮是美国通用汽车公司于20世纪40年代研制的全履带式自行高射炮。 为了满足美国陆军装甲部队和机械化部队的野战防空需求,1943年5月,美国军械委员会提出在全履带底盘上安装高射炮座作为防空战车使用。 美国尝试把多型 …
M19 Dual 40mm GMC - Information - M24 Chaffee Series Tanks
The high rate of fire of 40mm projectiles was a game changer in the ability to stop the “human wave” attacks by the North Koreans & Chinese. The M19 turret assy is NOT the same or interchangeable with the M42 duster of Vietnam fame.
Carriage, Motor, Twin 40mm Gun, M19 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The Carriage, Motor, Twin 40mm Gun, M19 is an American self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicle developed in the 1940s from the T65E1. The M19 is based on a lengthened M24 light tank chassis...