Model 1903 Rock Island Arsenal - thepaulkfamily.com
Make: Springfield Armory Model: 1903 Arsenal: Rock Island Serial #: 288850 Caliber: .30-06 Date of Manufacturer: circa 1918 Action: Bolt Action Capacity: 5 Rounds Barrel Length: 24" Overall …
The Rock Island Arsenal Model of 1903 - American Rifleman
2021年9月24日 · On June 23, 1903, soon after adoption of the M1903 rifle, the commanding officer of Rock Island Arsenal was ordered to begin plans for manufacture of this new rifle. In …
Scarce WWI Rock Island Arsenal M1903 | Legacy Collectibles
These Rock Island Arsenal Rifles are scarce as roughly 3x as many rifles were made by Springfield, and production at RIA ceased by the conclusion of WW1. Comes with a m1907 …
US Model 1903 Springfield Rifle Serial Number Ranges
Explore the comprehensive serial number ranges for the US Model 1903 Springfield Rifle, encompassing the production years of Springfield Armory, Rock Island Arsenal, Remington, …
Rock Island Arsenal M1903 Receiver with Springfield...
2024年6月15日 · Looks like your receiver was made at RIA in late 1918 or early 1919, and then mated to the 4-22 barrel sometime after 1922. It Probably had a really interesting service …
Updated with John Beard input -M1903 RIA Receivers sent...
2024年11月25日 · RIA’s last M1903 serial number was 430742, receiver struck on July 31, 1919. If I had to make a bet, your rifle originally had an Oct-Nov 1918 barrel. I have RIA 379580 and …
Springfield RIA M1903 - Gunboards Forums
2024年8月4日 · Check the fore-end tip of the stock below the barrel (flat wood portion surrounded by the front barrel band) to see if there is a "s", "RI", or some other kind of marking that could …
Rock Island M1903 Springfield - FIREARMS - U.S. Militaria Forum
2019年2月23日 · The rifle may be USMC. There is a documented marine 1903 1 digit off from your rifle. 352435. The report said something to the tune of a Private transferred from Paris …
Rock Island Rifle Model 1903 - Scott Duff Historic Martial Arms ...
2023年5月2日 · The M1903 rifle was the primary U.S military rifle from 1903 through 1936 and remained in use in the early days of World War II. Nearly 1.2 million M1903 rifles were …
RIA Model 1903 Service Rifle - typo.org
2009年8月16日 · The M1903 is one of only a few military rifles that are almost immediately recognizable even by the uninitiated. There is no mistaking it for a modern hunting rifle and no …