2010年6月30日 · Re: M1A ACCURACY EXPECTATION? My former scout-squad in a vltor mod-stock was hitting right around 1.5 - 2 MOA with surplus ammo. Nothing too fancy done to it. I did get a 1 MOA 5-shot group @ 300 yards once, but that was the best it did.
M1A Scout Squad | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年12月17日 · Re: M1A Scout Squad One of my shooting buddies has an M1A Scout. We have shot steel to 635 yards with the iron sights. His particular weapon groups the best with bullets in the 175 to 180 grain weight. Best groups go …
New M1A scout. What should I know? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2023年8月19日 · I felt the same about the M1A scout squad rifle so I picked one up last year. The walnut model is obviously the right choice for the M1A. I was planning to run it with irons and skip the optic, but now I may be rethinking that. Is the best optic mount for these the Sadlak?
SA M1A scout squad-good to choice to suppress? - Sniper's Hide
2011年3月2日 · Re: SA M1A scout squad-good to choice to suppress? ARMALITE's 4th of July Sale is about to begin. A 16" or 20" chrome-lined barrel AR-10A4 will out shoot a NM SA M1A, twice on Sundays, 99.XX% of the time.
M1A Scout Squad maximum range?? - Sniper's Hide
2008年10月23日 · Re: M1A Scout Squad maximum range?? Define what you want to hit, and what percentage of first-round hits you want, and what percentage of total hits per 5 rounds sent downrange, and what sighting system you intend to use, and what MOA 5-round group extreme spread you anticipate you, the rifle and the ammo be be capable of, and then maybe someone would have a ghost of a chance of giving you an ...
M1A accuracy tips | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年7月15日 · Re: M1A accuracy tips Been there ~ done that with a Scout Squad M1A. Align the gas ports and tighten the gas system up with shims. Have the trigger group tuned (I prefer SEI's M14/M21A5 C-IED 4.5 lb MAX-PAK Trigger Upgrade) If you have access to a selection of USGI wood and synthetic stocks, find the one stock that your action fits in the tightest.
M1A Scout Squad - The Firearms Forum
2020年12月28日 · Picked up this Springfield M1A Scout from a friend for a little cash and a 2100 rounds of 9mm ammo. Always wanted one, neat little rifle, I like the 18" barrel vs the full length version. My only issue was I really wanted a walnut stock and this one came from the factory with the polymer stock.
Rifle Scopes M1A Scout Optics - Sniper's Hide
2011年4月18日 · Re: M1A Scout Optics I have an m1a scout with 2 optics on qd mounts. Primary optic is an aimpoint t1 on the low larue mount. Secondary is a burris pistol scope, 2-7x in low warne rings. The burris is not great glass but it's functional. I've gotten out to 800 yards with this combo, not far after that the round goes subsonic.
Rifle Scopes Reflex sight options for M1a Scout - Sniper's Hide
2012年7月18日 · Picked up an M1a scout recently. Like the iron sites, but am pondering the addition of a non-magnified red-dot type optic. Would prefer something that co-witnesses with iron sights off of the barrel's rail mount (if there is such a product that …
Seeking M1A Cheek Riser Recommendations | Sniper's Hide Forum
2024年4月4日 · I have an M1A Scout Squad (with synthetic stock) on which I am running a Sig Tango6T 1-6 scope, along with an RMR on a 45 degree offset. The scope is mounted in the traditional M1A/M14 manner [via the receiver side attaching mount from Springfield], while the scout rail mount option has been dedicated to the offset RMR.