M1 Abrams (all variants) - Technical Data and Discussion
2024年10月8日 · M1A1HC / M1A1 Click-Bait M1A1AIM M1A2 M1A2 SEP M1A2 SEP V2. M1 Abrams MBT Technical Data. Crew - 4: Driver, Loader, Gunner and Commander. From ingame Weight - 55.7(M1 variant) —> 66.1 (SEPv2) tonnes. Height - 2.44 meters / 8 feet Hull length - 7.93 meters / 26.02 feet With gun forwards - 9.77 meters / 32.04 feet Width - …
Véhicules terrestres de rang VIII et premiums de rang ... - War …
2023年12月1日 · Vous pouvez dès maintenant précommander le pack M1A1HC dans la boutique Gaijin.net et obtenir le Challenger 2 (OES) à la sortie de la prochaine mise à jour majeure contre des Golden Eagles. Ces véhicules vous permettront de vous familiariser avec les chars de haut rang et, bien sûr, vous permettront de rechercher les véhicules de leur ...
How Was The M1A1 HC Named "Click Bait?" - War Thunder
2024年9月30日 · IIRC on the reveal stream where they showed off the M1A1HC “Click Bait” one of the hosts (Mike or Oxy) said something along the lines of “oh does it have the broken left armrest like that chair in the office” take from that what you will
Leclerc S1/S2 VS M1A1HC/AIM, should Leclerc s1/s2 move to 11.3?
2024年2月3日 · After M1A1’s reload time buff to 5s, it seems that Leclerc is worse than M1A1 hc and aim, especially compared to the armor and firepower, It is time to move Leclerc S1/S2 to 11.3.
Question: is M1 click bait worth it? - War Thunder
2024年2月29日 · Its M1A1HC. Relatively good firepower for its BR (5 sec reload), relatively good mobility. On the other hand 1st gen gunner thermals, and abrams turret ring. Id say mid now, if they ever fix the turret ring it will actually be good.
Update - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年12月20日 · Ground Vehicles Challenger 2 (all variants) — jerking when turning with a locked track has been fixed. (Report) M1A1, M1A1HC, M1A1 Click-Bait, M1A1 AIM, M1A2, M1A2 SEP, M1A2 SEP V2 — rate of fire when using first-stage ammunition has been increased from 10 to 12 rounds per minute. Leclerc (all variants) — horizontal (from 30 to 40 degrees per second) and vertical (from 36 to 30 degrees ...
The M1A2 Abrams - F.A.Q and Tutorials - War Thunder
2024年10月20日 · Also, don’t bother spending on talismans for it. The M1A2 doesn’t have HD thermals, so you’re better off working towards the M1A2SEP or SEPV2. To be honest, I’d skip the M1A2 altogether. Without HD thermal imaging, it’s not much better than the 11.7 M1A1HC. It’s a bit of a joke that it gets a higher BR just for the commander’s view.
Should I buy the M1A1 Clickbait pack? - War Thunder
2024年7月5日 · Buy the KVT. It gives you a second Abrams at 10.3 a lineup where the US still has relevance. The Click-bait has no functional SPAA to use alongside it and taking the only current option it uptiers you to 11.7 letting you see things like the KH-38ML which have a range of 40KM (the ADATS’s max range is 10KM).
M1A1 n' M1A2 differences - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2025年2月23日 · Hello, I would like to ask about the American tanks M1A1 and M1A2. I am currently researching the M1A2, and it seems that there isn’t a significant difference between the M1 and M2. The hull and turret armor appear to be the same, and the only difference I’ve noticed is the APFSDS rounds they use. The M1 is equipped with the M829A1, which has a maximum armor penetration of 598mm, while the ...
Why does it seem the M1 abrams is extremely underwhelming?
2024年6月5日 · First M1 sits at a higher BR than the T-80UD and TURMS tanks NVD (Which usually entails gen1 thermals), is always a tier 4 modification while most other countries’ mbts get thermals as a tier 2 modification. DU armor was refused, no need to elaborate Latest abrams was introduced in 2008, however it uses a 1994 round (M829A2) while a newer round (M829A3) was released in 2003. Armor upgrades ...