M20 (missile) - Wikipedia
The M20 was a French submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) deployed on the nuclear Redoutable-class submarines from 1977. It was withdrawn from service by 1991. [1] It was largely succeeded by the M4 and M45 missiles.
M-20导弹 - 百度百科
M-20导弹是法国研制的第三代潜射弹道导弹,1971年开始研制,1976年3月开始装备,曾装备可畏级第4和第5艘无敌号和雷鸣号核潜艇。 1980~1984年,当可畏级核潜艇的前3艘进行大修期间,法国海军将这3艘核潜艇全部改为装载M-20导弹,以取代M-2导弹,每艘潜艇装备16枚,共装备了80枚,是法国在20世纪七八十年代的主要核导弹武器。
M20 submarine ballistic missile - Missilery.info
The M20 SLBMs are designed to be launched from a submarine at depths up to 30 m. The first missile could be prepared for launch in a time period of 30 to 20 minutes, depending on the level of electronics (which was upgraded to reduce the pre-launch preparation time) and the subsequent ones in a time period of 1 minute to 30 seconds.
M20(导弹) - 华文百科 - wikii.one
M20是MSB( Mer-Sol-Balistique-Stratégique ,“海景弹道战略”)家族的第三个成员,该家族包括许多海底发射,中间射程导弹。该部队构成了法国核威慑力量的第二回合。
M-20 - France Nuclear Forces - Federation of American Scientists
The M-20 was a two stage, solid propellant, intermediate range ballistic missile, 10.4 m in length and 1.5 m in diameter. Launch weight was 20000 kg and the missile had a range of 3000 km. Control of the first stage was by four gimballed nozzles; the second stage by thrust vector control through a single fixed nozzle.
M20 SLBM — Nuclear and Strategic - Military Periscope
The M20 replaced earlier M1 and M2 SLBMs in the five LE REDOUTABLE-class nuclear-propelled ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) in the late 1970s. In turn, the M20s were replaced by M4 SLBMs in all...
潜射弹道导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
潛射彈道飛彈(英語: submarine-launched ballistic missile ,缩写: SLBM )是指由弹道导弹潛艦发射的弹道导弹。 现代化的该类型 导弹 大多具备搭载 多目標重返大氣層載具 ( MIRVs )能力,以便由一枚载具同时配备多个 核 弹头 同时攻击多个目标。
M-20 | missile | Britannica
Other articles where M-20 is discussed: rocket and missile system: The first SLBMs: …the M-1, M-2 (1974), and M-20 (1977). The M-20, with a range of 1,800 miles, carried a one-megaton warhead. In the 1980s the Chinese fielded the two-stage, solid-fueled CSS-N-3 SLBM, which had a range of 1,700 miles and carried a two-megaton warhead.
阿尔比恩高原上可以看到升起的巨浪吗? - 知乎专栏
长征4号艇在服役期间主要仍在使用法制SLBM,而与此同时首型国产SLBM即巨浪1型的研发工作也在紧锣密鼓地开展,其1.4米的弹径可以与长征4号为1.5米弹径设计的发射井兼容。 1982年,作为全国唯一弹道导弹潜艇的长征4号光荣地承担了巨浪1型的水下实射试验任务。 虽然JL-1瑕疵颇多,射程也不足2000km,但是毕竟仍然是零的跨越。 1983年,基于09I型攻击核潜艇,在其上加装导弹舱段的09II型弹道导弹核潜艇首艇长征6号服役,当年订下的12年租约也已经到期,长征4号 …
M20 (missile) - Wikiwand
The M20 was a French submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) deployed on the nuclear Redoutable-class submarines from 1977. It was withdrawn from service by...