Rock Island M200 Revolver - First Look | Survivalist Forum
2020年10月4日 · I almost bought a Rock Island M200 revolver (.38 Special) the other day, used for $320. Deal didn't go and I'm glad because my LGS put one on sale on...
What is the current value of a Sears Roebuck Ted Williams
2023年9月11日 · i have a 12 gauge sears and roebuck m200 78784 shot 2 and 3 quarter shells your gun is worth about 150.00 in good shape What is the value of a JC Higgins Sears …
Old Charter Arms Bulldog .44spl. for SHTF? | Survivalist Forum
2013年3月21日 · I have an SKS for my MBR, Marlin 336cs 30-30 for backup, Ruger 10/22, old Ithaca M37, Browning Buckmark, and a Stevens M200 .308 . The only thing I don't have is a …
You have time to grab one gun | Page 3 | Survivalist Forum
2007年4月2日 · well damn, this is quite a hard decision now isnt it, i cant think of any gun that is a perfect all around versatile weapon, obviously a hand gun is the perfect close range and …
Federal Court Declares Machine Gun Ban Unconstitutional
2015年8月26日 · Around 1980 or so, I got a catalog from a class three gun company in Nevada that exclusively dealt in machine guns. Everything from machine pistols to belt-fed, new, used, …
Is there a k frame sized revolver with a good double...
2023年9月28日 · There is a learning curve to shooting a revolver in double action. Its called practice. I have shot double action so long and so much I forget revolvers can be cocked to …
Zastava 357 - Survivalist Forum
2025年1月11日 · Somebody asked me if I know anything about these guns and I don't. That was the first I had heard of them. But coming from Zastava I suspect they are probably some well …
Air gun versus Bow and arrow - Survivalist Forum
2009年9月10日 · An Air gun seems very limited in what you can accomplish with it, The ones I have seen are quite heavy and because your range is limited as well as the food you can …
Look at the price of this .308 tungsten-carbide armor...
2020年6月26日 · If price is no object, you could hypothetically construct bullets with a core of 70% platinum, 30% iridium. That would give them an even higher density than DU (21.7 g/cc), with …
What Ever Happened To The 30 Super Carry? | Survivalist Forum
2025年1月22日 · Every gun they had was matched by a Sig P365 version, but the Sig came with the same capacity of real 9 mm. If they had released a duty gun with 20-24 rounds, along with …