M22-PVL Eaton Electrical | Switches | DigiKey
M22-PVL – Configurable Switch Body Pushbutton, Round Non-Illuminated from Eaton Electrical. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
M22-PVL-K12-R | Eaton M22 modular pushbutton | Eaton
Eaton M22 modular pushbutton, M22 Push-Pull Emergency stop, Complete Device, 22.5 mm, Maintained, Illuminated, Bezel Silver, Button: Red, 1NO-2NC, IP67, IP69K, NEMA 4X, 13, 12-30 Vac/dc, Knob
M22-PVL-K01-R | Eaton M22 modular pushbutton | Eaton
Eaton M22 modular pushbutton, M22 Push-Pull Emergency stop, Complete Device, 22.5 mm, Knob, Maintained, Illuminated, Bezel: Silver, Button: Red, 1NC, IP67, IP69K, NEMA 4X, 13, 12-30 Vac/dc
M22-PVL Eaton Electrical | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
M22-PVL Eaton Electrical Emergency Stop Switches / E-Stop Switches ILL E-STOP PUSH-PULL datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
M22-PVL-K01-230R | Eaton M22 modular pushbutton | Eaton
Eaton M22 modular pushbutton, M22 Push-Pull Emergency stop, Complete Device, 22.5 mm, Knob, Maintained, Illuminated, Bezel: Silver, Button: Red, 1NC, IP67, IP69K, NEMA 4X, 13, 85-264V. Need product support?
M22-PVL-K11-R Eaton Electrical | Mouser 臺灣
下載免費的 庫載入器,為ECAD工具轉換此文件。 瞭解更多關於 ECAD 型號的資訊。 至少選中以上一個核取方塊以顯示在此類別中類似的產品。 M22-PVL-K11-R Eaton Electrical 急停開關/E-Stop開關 M22-PVL/K11/R 資料表、庫存和定價。
Eaton Φ22mm带灯急停按钮, 面板安装, 2 常闭触点, 12 → 30V 交 …
从RS在线订购Eaton Φ22mm带灯急停按钮, 面板安装, 2 常闭触点, 12 → 30V 交流/直流, IP67, IP69K, 拉出释放, 红色, 73000194 M22-PVL-K02-R 或其他急停按钮并指定次日送货,可享受一流服务和大量电子元件享有更佳价格
Eaton - Cutler Hammer M22-PVL - RS Components
RMQ-Titan M22 Series Features: Elegant commanding and signalling: RMQ-Titan pushbuttons; Operator safety: Emergency-off/emergency-stop; Sensing solutions: Mechanical, photoelectric, inductive and capacitive sensors; Measuring and monitoring: ETR4 …
M22-PVL EATON ELECTRIC - Transfer Multisort Elektronik
EATON ELECTRIC M22-PVL | Switch: emergency stop; 22mm; Stabl.pos: 2; red; M22-LED; IP66 - This product is available in Transfer Multisort Elektronik. Check out our wide range of products.
Eaton M22-PVL Emergency Stop pull-to-release illuminated …
The Eaton M22-PVL is an emergency stop illuminated pull-to-release pushbutton that mounts in a standard 22mm hole. It can be adapted with up to 3 contact blocks that are normally open or normally closed and can also be fitted into a one hole enclosure.