M230 chain gun - Wikipedia
The M230LF, offered by Orbital ATK, is a more capable version of the Apache autocannon. Features include an anti-hangfire system, a delinking feeder that exploits linked ammunition, …
乱花渐欲迷人眼--速览美现役30mm机炮 - 哔哩哔哩
而m230lf(美军正式名称为xm914)则是在m230上改用链式供弹、加长炮管、缩短总长度的改进版本,总的来说 提高了初速 (838m/s)、降低了射速(200发/分)。该机炮还是使 …
M230链炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
由 阿连特科技系统公司 ( 英语 : Alliant Techsystems ) 所提供的M230LF是阿帕契攻击直升机的机炮的能力增强型版本,其特征包括防迟发系统,因应挂钩弹药的利用而装上的脱链供弹机 …
The 30x113mm M230LF Bushmaster® Chain Gun® is the latest derivative of the 30mm cannon featured on the Apache helicopter and is a member of the Chain Gun family of externally …
M230LF - Army Guide
The Link Fed 30 mm M230LF is a derivative of the original 30 mm M230 automatic cannon, covered in detail in a separate entry, which is fitted to The Boeing Company AH-64 series of …
The M230 is the original medium caliber ChainGun®. With battle-proven performance on the Apache attack helicopter, the M230 delivers eficient and reliable lethality for aviation platforms.
- [PDF]
The M230 is the original medium caliber ChainGun®. With battle-proven performance on the Apache attack helicopter, the M230 delivers eficient and reliable lethality for aviation platforms.
M230LF 链式机关炮——全面剖析 - 哔哩哔哩
以下是 70 字左右的小结: m230lf 链式机关炮有优点,如链式供弹稳定、初速高、重量轻。 但也有不足,像射速低、后坐力限制、弹药威力有限及维护复杂等。
M230LF Chain Gun: 30mm Automatic Cannon | PDF - Scribd
powered, combat-reliable conventional automatic weapons. The M230LF boasts Features and Benefits. a DC drive motor with a firing rate of 200 rounds per minute. Other features …
2024年10月9日,美国诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司推出了其下一代M230链式供弹 (M230LF)双供弹Bushmaster®链式机枪®,首次提供两种弹药进弹路径。 这款新型 30x113毫米中口径链式机 …