Belgium M24 Trainer ABL 1952 (army) - Gunboards Forums
2020年7月22日 · Anthony Vanderlinden in his fine book "FN Mauser" put that myth to rest. The Belgian arsenals had an over supply of the gray left over from other refurbishment projects so they used it during the refurbishment of the Mauser rifles of all calibers.
FN 24/30 ABL 1952 trainers | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2015年6月12日 · The FN ABL mausers are perhaps the best of the mauser trainers IMHO since they are based on the full size mauser actions, vice the slightly down sized pre-war DSM and KKW german mauser trainers. At any rate, here is a photo of my FN ABL mauser rifles:
Non-Restricted rifle Belgian FN model ABL M24/30 22 Trainer, …
2020年12月12日 · Non-Restricted rifle Belgian FN model ABL M24/30 22 Trainer, 22 LR single shot bolt action, w/ bbl length 24 1/4" [Military finish barrel and receiver. Fixed front and adjustable rear sights. Full wood military stock.
Belgium Army Trainer M24/30 22 Cal - joesalter.ca
Receiver marked with the Royal Crown of Belgium. B for King Baudoin over ABL (Armee Bolge Leger) . This 22 trainer is a single shot built 1952 by FN. The bore rates as excellent plus and is multi groove rifling. All matching 487. The finish is a baked enamel on metal with a …
FN-30 Mauser - Seeking Info & Photos - Gunboards Forums
2020年5月30日 · A fair number of postwar .30 cal. Belgian Army M24 Mausers were imported by Interarms before 1968. These were not reworks, but had original finish with many in excellent condition. They had either Leopold ABL 1951 or Baudouin ABL 1952 crests.
Belgian Mauser ( Fabrique Nationale Prod ) ABL Dated 1951 Mod M24 …
Belgian Mauser ( Fabrique Nationale Prod ) ABL Dated 1951 Mod M24 Naval Issue .30-06 cal bolt action full wood Military Rifle w/24" bbl [ gray parkerized finish, ABL on rcvr for "Armee Belge/Belgisch Leger", all matching numbers, excellent condition w/leather sling ] Ser # 664
m24 Bajonet - ABL-History Forum
2017年6月5日 · m24 Bajonet De periode waarin de "echte" Belgische militair zich profileerde met casque Adrian en flochemuts (kwartiermuts) Moderators: Exjager , piot1940 , Bram1940
ladingstabellen voor de tanks - M24 - ABL-History Forum
2012年3月23日 · ABL-History Forum. Het Belgische Leger - l'armée belge - die belgische Armee. Skip to content. Search Advanced search. ABL-History Forum. ... M24 is de Chaffee tank. Top. Paddy Posts: 7570 Joined: Sat May 28, 2011 8:25 am Location: Dendermonde, Idiot Trench. Re: ladingstabellen voor de tanks - M24.
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Belgium M24 Trainer "FP 1952" for belg. Kongo | Gunboards Forums
2020年7月22日 · It has the original FN factory finish on it. These were not modified with the addition of a sheet metal peep sight like the ones done for the Belgian military. I look forward to seeing more pictures. There were three 1950 FN the ABL, the FP, Snoopy BTW yours is a very nice example , and the Israeli.