M25 tank transporter - Wikipedia
The M25 tank transporter (G160) was a combination 6x6 M26 armored heavy tank transporter/tank recovery tractor and companion 40-ton M15 trailer introduced into US Army service in Europe in 1944–45. Manufactured by Pacific Car & Foundry Co., it was a substantial upgrade over the Diamond T M19 transporter/trailer duo introduced in 1940.
M25 Tank Transporter (1941) - truck-encyclopedia.com
The M25 Tank Transporter better known as the "Dragon Wagon", was one of the heaviest vehicles used by the United States in World War II. It was specialized transport 30 tonnes+ tanks or other heavy vehicles and just large bulky loads in general.
M25戰車運輸車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M25戰車運輸車,是 第二次世界大戰 時期美國陸軍所開發,專門用於運輸或是拖吊戰車的裝甲運輸車。 暱稱龍式,M25實際上是由M26半拖車與M15四十噸拖車所組成。 1942年,為應對越來越大、越重的戰車,美國陸軍開始著手開發四十噸級的戰車用運輸拖車。 性能上,陸軍要求越野能力必須比原有的M9二十四輪拖車優秀、比原有的Shelvoke and Drewry 三十噸級八輪拖車更大的運載量,同時需要能夠與Diamond T軍用卡車相容。
M25坦克运输车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m25战车运输车,是第二次世界大战时期美国陆军所开发,专门用于运输或是拖吊战车的装甲运输车。 昵称龙式,M25实际上是由M26半拖车与M15四十吨拖车所组成。
二战百吨王——M25龙式坦克拖车的前世今生 - 网易
2023年1月12日 · 龙拖——M25 Dragon Wagon是二战美军的40短吨级(36.3公吨)坦克运输车,而36吨刚好是标准型M4谢尔曼坦克的重量。“龙拖”由M26 6x6牵引及回收车和M15平板半挂车组成。
M25 (G160 / Dragon Wagon) - Military Factory
2024年2月15日 · The M25 Tank Transporter - known as the "Dragon Wagon" with the alternate U.S. Army designation of "G160" - was an American World War II-period (1939-1945) heavy truck design utilized to ferry very-heavy cargo loads.
M25 tank transporter - Weaponsystems.net
The M25 is a World War 2 era tank transporter of US origin. It was developed in 1942 to replace the older, less mobile and smaller capacity M19 tank transporter. The M25 consists of the M26 tractor and M15 semitrailer. The M26 was developed specifically for the trailer since there was no tractor that suited the demands.
M25 Tank Transporter | Military Wiki | Fandom
The M25 Tank Transporter was a heavy tank transporter and tank recovery vehicle used in World War II and beyond by the US Army. Nicknamed the Dragon Wagon, the M25 was composed of a 6x6 armored tractor (M26) and 40-ton trailer (M15).
TM 9-767 40-Ton Tank Transporter Truck-Trailer M25
2014年12月31日 · "In addition to a description of the 40-ton, Tank Transporter Truck-trailer M25, this manual contains technical information required for the identification, use, and care of materiel. The manual is divided into four parts. Part One, section I through section VIII, contains vehicle operating instructions.
Tankograd In Detail - DRAGON WAGON Tank Transporter M25
Reflecting on the development and active wartime service of the M25 makes it clear why the Dragon Wagon finally made it into the hall of fame for trucks and why it became a legend: It was the first mass-produced (1,372 in armoured and unarmoured versions) tank transporter and the first vehicle in its class solely developed to haul tanks and to ...