survey of M28/30's built from other models (includes updated M28…
May 12, 2012 · This rifle is so far the only one like it known, and it has a fairly unique pattern of markings on the barrel shank. The crossed out serial number is with in the SIG M28 range, but …
欧洲近现代步枪 46 芬兰莫辛-纳甘M28步枪 - 知乎专栏
M28的主要生产商为SIG(最常见)、Tikkakoski和一些Sako(估计不到1000)。 总产量超33000支。 著名的芬兰狙击手 西莫·哈伊哈 (Simo Häyhä)使用的步枪,绰号为“白色死神”, …
M28 | Mosin Museum
m28 The Finnish Civil Guard sought out a similar solution as the army did, and developed a very similar rifle to the M27. Unlike the army, some of the barrels for the M28 were sourced from …
Finnish Mosin Nagant M28 1928 SIG rifle chambered in 7.62x54r
Simo had over 550 confirmed kills using this type of rifle with iron sights. He was a farmer and avid hunter before becoming a soldier. My rifle is not...more. A bit of history here, this is a...
如何从外观上分辨瑞士SIG m1920和德国MP28两种冲锋枪? - 知乎
Feb 11, 2023 · 1、照门形状、大小不同。 MP28的要小一些。 2、拉机柄形状不同,MP28的弯一些。 3、弹匣释放钮、卡榫的位置不同。 4、MP28在扳机护圈上有保险按钮。 5、图里没提的 …
SIG M28 (finally!) ... and questions | Gunboards Forums
Apr 25, 2015 · I finally scored a SIG-barreled M28. Been looking for one for a while. It's on an 1898 Tula receiver, and the barrel was made in 1928. The bore is in great shape, and not …
A Quick and Dirty Guide: Finnish Mosin-Nagant Rifles
Mar 26, 2015 · Variants: SIG, Tikkakoski. The m/28-30 is a fantastically accurate rifle with an even heavier barrel than the m/28. It features an improved rear sight with finer, easier adjustment …
Finnish SIG M28 - thinlineweapons.com
These graphs illustrate the trajectories of each type of ammo from this rifle using the reference numbers in the chart above. Click on each graph for a large, scalable PDF to zoom in for …
Shooting my SIG 1928 M28 Mosin Nagant in HD - YouTube
This is me shooting my SIG M28 Mosin Nagant at the Town of Islip Range on February 25, 2017.
Finnish M28 SY SIG Barrel - Gunboards Forums
Mar 9, 2013 · Picked up this Finnish M28 today at a local gun show. Ive been out of the Mosin loop for a while, how did I do?