M2 Bradley - Wikipedia
The M2 Bradley, or Bradley IFV, is an American infantry fighting vehicle that is a member of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle family. It is manufactured by BAE Systems Land & Armaments (formerly United Defense) and entered service in 1981, with fielding beginning in 1983.
Bradley Fighting Vehicle - Wikipedia
The M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) consists of five variants: the M2, M2A1, M2A2, M2A2 ODS (Operation Desert Storm improvements), and M2A3. Their main mission is to provide protected transport of an infantry squad, up to six passengers, to critical points.
M2 Bradley | Full Specifications, history, operators & variants
In 1978 eight prototypes were delivered for trial’s and in 1980 the vehicle was accepted into service as the M2 for the infantry and M3 for the Cavalry. Both vehicles were named after the WW2 General Bradley and first vehicles were delivered in 1981. The Bradley uses the 25mm M242 Chain Gun (aka Bushmaster) as it’s main weapon.
M2布雷德利 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M2(通稱M2A0)是M2布拉德利步兵战车的基本型,於1980年生產。 M2A0可以發射基本 BGM-71拖式飛彈 並配有500hp引擎和HMPT-500液壓傳動系統。 M2A0还装载了 M242 25毫米機炮,该机炮配有整體瞄準器和熱成像裝備。 M2A0並有兩棲能力的「水上障幕」(Swim Barrier)或稱「浮幕」(Floatation Screen)渡河裝備,M2A0还能以 C-141运输机 或 C-5運輸機 空運。 所有M2A0都有加裝裝甲能抵擋360度方向來襲的14.5毫米以下API彈(穿甲 燃燒彈)。 早期型 …
Bradley M2A2 ODS - Army Recognition
2024年12月2日 · The 1,423 M2A2 Bradleys brought up to this standard were referred to as M2A2 ODS (Operation Desert Storm). In August 2018, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) received the fourth and final batch of eight M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) as a part of the U.S. military aid program to Lebanon.
IFV M2 Bradley - AFV Database
2024年3月20日 · After Operation Desert Storm, the M2A2 was upgraded again with the addition of an eye-safe carbon dioxide laser rangefinder, global positioning system and compass, combat identification system, missile countermeasure device, and thermal viewer for the driver.
M2 BRADLEY IFV - tank-afv.com
The US has provided a total of 186 Bradleys to Ukraine, according to the latest Pentagon data, as of September 2023. These are refurbished M2A2 Bradleys, not on par with the latest variants in US service, but mothballed and at least seeing some use for desperate Ukrainian troops in search of any armour to do the job.
M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle - inetres.com
2007年10月25日 · M2A2 ODS field artillery fire support variant. This model adds an inertial navigation system and a new targeting station control panel. A mission-processor unit automates the fire-request system.
Features: The BFVS is a lightly armored, fully tracked fighting vehicle that provides cross-country mobility, mounted firepower and protection from artillery and small-arms fire. It is used in mechanized infantry and armored cavalry combat.
M2 and M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems (BFVS) - GlobalSecurity.org
2018年10月20日 · Initially the Bradley was protected against 14.5mm projectiles on all sides. The M2A2 provided protection against 30mm projectiles on all sides, and added spall liners. The M2A3 added titanium...