FN M2HB / BROWNING M2 - ArtStation
I'm glad to add the belgium FN M2HB (A.K.A browning M2) to my arsenal, Just one of my many new models this year, high and low poly were made in maya, all textures made in Substance Painter ( two 4k maps, one for the gun and one for the tripod), and the render was performed in Unreal Engine 4.
白朗寧M2重機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
早期的气冷式M2机枪由于枪管管壁太薄,无法承受多角度全方位射击要求,又容易過熱,故廠商后來推出改用重枪管的版型號「M2HB」(Heavy Barrel),後來更推出了可快速更換槍管的「M2QCB」(Quick Change Barrel)及輕量化型號,這些型號一直沿用至今。
ArtStation - M2HB - Browning Machine Gun
Something I've been working on in my free time past few months Originally it started as a part of a bigger project, and somehow evolved into it's own thing :D High Poly was made using SubD Modeling, with sculpting pass on top of it. Textures done in Substance.
Explore the Best M2hb Art - DeviantArt
Want to discover art related to m2hb? Check out amazing m2hb artwork on DeviantArt. Get inspired by our community of talented artists.
Tim Shumaker - M2HB Build Log: Top Cover
The top cover is complete (save for a few small details such as springs) and ready to get the texture treatment to get it up to par with the other groups. Only the body group remains so it won't be long now until the entire M2 can be seen together. Excitement!
ArtStation - Browning M2HB
Low resolution M2HB for mounting on vehicles in Gunner, Heat, PC! Whole assembly is around 6,000 triangles, depending on the exact configuration. The gun and ammunition are textured on a 1024x1024 sheet The "Equilibrator" mount system is textured on a 512x512 sheet
Browning M2HB Handheld by psycosid09 on DeviantArt
2019年4月8日 · In the film industry the M2 Browning has been used in several configurations: the M2HB ground variant, the water-cooled Navy anti-aircraft version, and the lightweight M2 Aircraft.
M2HB .50cal BMG by Matsucorp on DeviantArt
2011年3月4日 · The pride of Matsucorp, The M2HB .50 Cal BMG, (Browning machine gun) There are well over 75 individual parts that make up this kit, pain in the @$$ to make but well worth it. That's a real pintle mount by the way.
ArtStation - FN - M2HB
PROP | FN - M2HB Work by our artist Pedro Teruaki https://www.artstation.com/kawakamiproductions
白朗宁M2重机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月17日 · M2重机枪( M2 Machine Gun ),俗称五零/点五零机枪(英语:.50 Caliber Machine Gun ,简称:.50 Cal),目前美军使用型号的官方名称为白朗宁M2HB.50口径机动式机枪(英语: Browning Machine Gun,Cal. .50, M2HB,Flexible.