In conjunction with other extensive lightweight construction methods, the M3 CSL achieves an impressive power-to-weight ratio of 3.85 kilograms per hp. More than anything else, that measurement is made possible by the consistent use of lightweight materials.
THE 3.0 CSL* - BMW M
All facets of its character – dynamic exterior elegance, a classic sportscar cockpit, intelligent lightweight construction, a straight 6-cylinder engine, manual transmission and rear-wheel drive – are based on traditional principles of a BMW M automobile.
Over 240 pounds lighter than a standard E46 M3, the M3 CSL was not only lighter, but it had been structurally reengineered in order to lower the car's center of gravity. Alongside several upgrades to the drivetrain and brakes, the M3 CSL was fitted with a …
车迷心中的圣杯竟被遗忘了十几年?废弃的2004年宝马M3 CSL
2023年9月30日 · E46 M3 CSL 的动力来自3.2L直六自然吸气引擎,最大功率输出360马力,扭矩峰值370牛·米;SMG 六前速序列式波箱,FR 驱动布局,整备质量仅为1,385kg;0-100km/h加速4.9秒,极速250km/h (电子限速) 。
BMW M3 CSL Review 2025 - Top Gear
2023年11月28日 · Now a staple on even two-tonne M8 Gran Coupes, but the M3 CSL pioneered it. Other areas – the rear diffuser, front skirt and interior panels – used motorsport-derived composite materials while ...
近代最偉大的BMW之作? 低哩程數BMW M3 CSL開賣了!
2022年11月15日 · 2003年式bmw m3 csl比表準版e46世代m3輕了110公斤,而其搭載的3.2升自然進氣直6汽缸汽油引擎經過升級後,最大馬力增加了17匹達到360匹馬力,巔峰值扭力為37.73公斤米。外觀方面也換上了專屬的前保桿、鋁合金引擎蓋、鋁合金輪圈、碳纖維車頂以及後保桿分流器。
所謂極致。BMW E46 M3 CSL & E92 M3 GTS試駕 - CARLINK鏈車網
CSL這三個字來自於Coupe Sport Lightweight的縮寫,做為BMW歷史上第二個掛上CSL名號的車,M3 CSL依舊遵循了老前輩的規矩,把重點放在了減重而不是提升動力,BMW僅對原本的S54直六引擎換上了大口徑的碳纖維進氣管,還有輕微不同的排汽門,以及重新設計的排汽管 ...
Top secret: The BMW M CSL prototypes
BMW M3 CSL V8, M5 CSL, M6 CSL: We reveal never-launched CSL prototypes. Competition, sport, lightweight: Attributes that have always characterized the sportiest M automobiles.
直列六缸M3的最终版本——宝马E46 M3 CSL - 百家号
2018年9月11日 · 在发动机方面宝马m3 csl搭载了一台排量为3.2l的直列六缸引擎,在每分钟7900转时输出360匹马力最大功率。相比较于普通版本的m3有了一定程度的提升,伴随着这款强大的发动机,m3 csl还配备了更薄壁的排气系统,长时间的凸轮轴和一个巨大的碳纤维空气箱。
BMW M3 CSL E46 specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times
BMW M3 E46 CSL AutopNL GPS test of acceleration plus top speed! I'm starting to think this was better than the M3 GTR which had the V8. For one, the street-legal M3 GTR was barely any more powerful than the CSL, and second, only a VERY FEW units were built (referring to the GTR and not the CSL) and none were ever instrumentally tested.