约 164,000 个结果
  1. Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifle - Wikipedia

    The Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm recoilless rifle (Swedish pronunciation: [kɑːɭ ˈɡɵ̂sːtav], named after Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori, which initially produced it) is a Swedish-developed 84 mm (3.3 …

  2. 卡尔·古斯塔夫无后座力炮 - 百度百科

    M3型保持了卡尔古斯塔夫多用途性能强的特点,可发射多种弹药,除发射FFV597式超口径火箭增程 破甲弹 、FFV502式多用途弹外,还可发射M751式串联 战斗部 破甲弹、FFV551式火箭增 …

  3. 卡尔·古斯塔夫84毫米无后坐力炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    2010年10月8日 · 它基于早期型 卡尔·古斯塔夫20毫米无后座力炮 (英语:Carl Gustav 20 mm recoilless rifle) 的经验以及二战期间单兵便携式火箭发射器,例如 巴祖卡火箭筒 和 坦克杀手 …

  4. 卡 尔-古斯塔夫 无后坐力炮 - 枪炮世界

    这种单发、肩射武器在1948年定型和装备瑞典陆军,并正式命名为“卡尔-古斯塔夫m/48型8.4厘米榴弹步枪”(Granatgevär 8.4cm m/48 Carl-Gustaf)。 瑞典军方给它的命名是“榴弹步枪”,实 …

  5. Boom! A brief history of the 84mm Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle

    2024年5月17日 · The M3 variant was introduced in 1991, and the British Special Air Service, U.S. Army Special Forces, and U.S. Army Rangers adopted it for bunker-busting and anti-vehicle …

  6. Carl Gustaf MAAWS Recoilless Rifle — Sweden’s Boomstick

    2024年1月16日 · There is a common misconception that the Carl-Gustaf M4 (CGM4) — also now known as the Multi-Role Anti-Armor/Anti-Personnel Weapon System (MAAWS) — was named …

  7. M3 MAAWS Carl Gustav - American Special Operations Forces

    The M3 Carl Gustav is a 84mm recoilless rifle in use by SOCOM units such as Special Forces and Army Rangers. The Carl Gustav can be used to engage vehicles and bunkers. The US …

  8. 'Carl Gustaf' weapon extends Soldiers' lethal reach

    2012年1月25日 · The Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon System, or MAAWS, also known as the M3 Carl Gustaf, has been in the United States Special Operations...

  9. M3 Carl Gustaf Rifle / Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon ...

    1999年1月8日 · The Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon System (MAAWS) consists of the M3 Carl Gustaf Rifle and a family of 84mm ammunition. Originally fielded to the US …

  10. Carl-Gustav M3 (M1948) Multirole, Shoulder-Fired Recoilless Rifle

    2023年8月10日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Carl-Gustav M3 (M1948) Multirole, Shoulder-Fired Recoilless Rifle including pictures.