M32A1-MSGL - Milkor USA Inc.
The M321A1 is a hand-held, gas plug operating, semi-automatic, revolving action, 40mm Multi-Shot Grenade Launcher (MSGL). The M32A1 has been tested to the rigorous MIL-SPEC/MIL …
Milkor MGL - Wikipedia
The Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) is a lightweight 40 mm six-shot revolver -type grenade launcher (variations also fire 37/38mm) developed and manufactured in South Africa …
The M32A1 is a hand-held, revolving action, semi-automatic; gas operating index mechanism, 40mm multi shot grenade launcher. It has been tested and qualified in accordance with …
Home - Milkor USA, Inc.
During the USMC tests, the MUSA M32A1 underwent rigorous testing which included drop testing, salt fog spray, and various safety assessments. The weapon earned a Weapon …
米尔科姆转轮连发式榴弹发射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2019年—《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖2》:作為玩家終局後特化職業「爆破專家」的武器,型號為m32a1,命名為「m32a1榴彈發射槍」,以6發彈巢供彈,最高攜彈量7發,配有光學取景器 …
Milkor M32 and M32A1 40mm Grenade Launchers - Forgotten …
2019年7月5日 · The USMC adopted the Milkor USA M32A1 rotary multiple grenade launcher (MGL) in 2012. The history of this weapon goes back to South Africa, where designer Andries …
【轻武器频道】Milkor MGL单兵榴弹发射器 —— 连发转轮式 - 哔 …
2022年4月5日 · Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher / 米尔科姆连发榴弹发射器)是由 Milkor有限公司于南非开发和制造的一种40㎜口径轻型六发转轮式榴弹发射器 (变体也可为37/38㎜口 …
M32A1 40MM MSGL - Global Defence Mart
The M321A1 is a hand-held, gas plug operating, semi-automatic, revolving action, 40mm Multi-Shot Grenade Launcher (MSGL). The M32A1 has been tested to the rigorous MIL-SPEC/MIL …
M32 Multi-Shot Grenade Launcher - GlobalSecurity.org
The M32A1 was a Commander's discretionary weapon in the US Marine Corps as of January 2011. That meant there was not a doctrinal role tied to an individual designated to carry that …
Launcher, Grenade, Multi-Shot, 40mm, M32A1 - Fandom
The Launcher, Grenade, Multi-Shot, 40mm, M32A1 is an American grenade launcher developed in the 2010s. The weapon is essentially the Milkor M32A1-MSGL but manufactured for the …