Davy Crockett (nuclear device) - Wikipedia
It remains one of the smallest nuclear weapon systems ever built, incorporating a warhead with yields of 10 to 20 tons of TNT (42 to 84 GJ). It is named after American folk hero, soldier, and congressman Davy Crockett.
M28/29「大衛·克羅克特」無後座力炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大衛·克羅克特無後座力炮是美國在1950年代末期研發的武器,為了在 西德 對抗 蘇聯 部隊,操作此裝置的小型核子戰鬥群在邊境每隔數公里便被部署一個來防衛蘇聯入侵,這些戰鬥群將利用核砲彈的力量消灭或使推进中的部隊集群瘫痪,並將地域輻射化使其在48小時內無法進入,使 北约 有足夠的時間動員部隊。 M388砲彈使用W54 彈頭,一種非常小的 核分裂 裝置,重約23公斤,可選擇10或20噸當量的設定(接近一個核分裂彈頭實際可用的最小尺寸和當量)。 [1] 該炮有兩款 …
2021年1月13日 · 这就介绍一下这种全世界最小的核弹,美国的M388“大卫·克洛科特”(Davy Crockett)核弹。 在《拆弹专家2》中,就提到“复生会”成员在相互联系中经常提到“大卫”,后来才知道,“大卫”是用来进行最后的“复生日”行动的核弹代号。 老周一开始也没在意,也以为就是随便起的一个代号而已,现在才意识到,这个代号还真不是随便起的,就是M388小型核弹的官方正式绰号。 美军惯例是给每一种武器起一个正式的官方绰号,从导弹、飞机到坦克、大炮莫不如 …
Davy Crockett Weapon System | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The M338 was the lowest-yield version of the W54 warhead, also used in the AIM-26 Falcon air-to-air missile and B54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition. It was also the lowest-yield nuclear weapon ever mass produced, and approaching the absolute lower output limit of a functional nuclear warhead.
戴维克罗无后座力炮 - 百度百科
M-388戴维·克罗克特(Davy Crockett)是美国在冷战时期布署的一种无后座力炮的炮弹,是世上最小的核子武器之一。 名称是为纪念美国的士兵、众议员和民间英雄戴维·克洛科特(1786-1836年)。
2021年8月16日 · 其炮弹主要是M338 279mm核弹,这个核弹的战斗部采用的是W52-2型微型核弹头,W52-2战斗部是一种非常小的核裂变装置,总重大约23公斤,这个尺寸在当时的技术水平中,基本上已经达到了核裂变战斗部能做到的最小尺寸了。
Steam Workshop::M338 Davy Crockett - Steam Community
2021年4月1日 · The Davy Crockett Weapon System was the tactical nuclear recoilless gun (smoothbore) for firing the M-388 nuclear projectile that was deployed by the United States during the Cold War. It was one of the smallest nuclear weapon systems ever built, with a yield between 10 and 20 tons TNT equivalent (40–80 gigajoules).
Davy Crockett Weapon System - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The Davy Crockett Weapon System was a tactical nuclear launch system developed in the 1950s, based around the small W54 nuclear warhead, also used in the AIM-26 Falcon air-to-air missile and the B54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition. The W54 variant used in the Davy Crockett's M338 projectile had a yield equivalent to 10-20 tons of TNT ...
Davy Crockett (nuclear device) | Military Wiki | Fandom
The M-28 or M-29 Davy Crockett Weapon System(s) was a tactical nuclear recoilless gun for firing the M388 nuclear projectile that was deployed by the United States during the Cold War. Named after American soldier, congressman, and folk hero Davy Crockett , it was one of the smallest nuclear weapon systems ever built.
M28/M29 Davy Crockett Tactical Nuclear Recoilless Gun - Military Factory
2016年6月14日 · Called the "Davy Crockett", it was a 155mm caliber tactical nuclear recoilless gun in the standard M28 or longer-range M29 launch body firing the M388 nuclear projectile. The launcher piece was developed at the Rock Island Arsenal and the W54 warhead was developed at Los Alamos and the Atomic Energy Commission.