Messier 37 - Wikipedia
Messier 37 (also known as M37, NGC 2099, or the Salt and Pepper Cluster) is the brightest and richest open cluster in the constellation Auriga. It was discovered by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Hodierna before 1654. M37 was missed by French astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil when he rediscovered M36 and M38 in 1749.
Messier 37 - Messier Objects
2015年4月30日 · Messier 37 lies in the direction opposite to the galactic centre when seen from Earth. It is between 347 and 550 million years old and contains at least 12 evolved red giant stars. The hottest main sequence star in the cluster has the stellar classification B9 V.
Messier 37 (NGC 2099) | Auriga | Go Astronomy
Messier 37 (NGC 2099) is an open cluster located in the constellation Auriga, in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Local Group of galaxies. M37 is 4500 light years away from Earth. M37 is best viewed during winter, is magnitude 6.2, and can be viewed with binoculars. M37 is 24' in apparent size. For reference, the full moon is 30'.
M37 - Marmot Observatory
Discovered by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Batista Hodierna in the 17th century and later independently cataloged by Charles Messier in 1764, this celestial assembly is part of the Milky Way galaxy. Positioned approximately 4,500 light-years away from Earth, Messier 37 is one of the richest and most populous open clusters in our galaxy.
Messier 37 Star Cluster (NGC 2099) - Universe Guide
Messier 37 (M37, NGC2099) is a open star cluster that has a distance from Earth of 4,511.00 light years. It can be found in the constellation of Auriga. It was discovered in 1654 by Giovanni Batista Hodierna.
Messier 37 Open Star Cluster | Astro-Observer
Messier 37 (M37), also known as NGC 2099, is a rich open star cluster located in the constellation Auriga. It is the brightest and most populated of the three Messier star clusters in Auriga, making it a fascinating object for amateur astronomers and seasoned stargazers alike.
Messier 37 - The Salt and Pepper Open Cluster in Auriga
2023年4月6日 · M37, or Messier 37, lies 4,500 light-years away in the constellation of Auriga, between Gemini and Perseus. It has an angular size of 24 arc-minutes and a real size of about 25 light-years across. To find it, first locate the sixth brightest star in the night sky: Capella.
Open Cluster Messier 37 - Deep⋆Sky Corner
M 37 (NGC 2099) is the most beautiful of the three bright Messier star clusters in the constellation Auriga (Fuhrmann). The other two are Messier 36 and Messier 38. It contains about 150 stars up to 12.5 magnitudes. In total, it should have more than 500 stars. The stellar population differs from that of M 36 and is believed to be older.
101 Must-See Cosmic Objects: M37 - Astronomy Magazine
2022年6月20日 · The premier open cluster in Auriga, M37 is the richest of the Charioteer’s three Messier clusters, with about 150 stars brighter than magnitude 12.5 packed in a region 24′ across. Its integrated...
Messier 37 - M37 - AstroPixels
M37 . Messier 37 or M37 (also designated NGC 2099) is an open cluster in the constellation Auriga. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 6.2 and its angular diameter is 24 arc-minutes. M37 lies at an estimated distance of 4400 light years. The Equinox 2000 coordinates are RA= 5h 52.4m, Dec= +32° 33´ which makes M37 best seen during the winter.