M3 Gun Motor Carriage - Wikipedia
The M3 Gun Motor Carriage (M3 GMC) was a United States Army tank destroyer equipped with a 75 mm M1897A4 gun, which was built by the Autocar Company during World War II. The M3 …
M38猎狼犬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
M38猎狼犬 (M38 Wolfhound)是 二战 美军 的6x6 装甲车,1944年由 通用汽车公司 的 雪佛兰 生产,原意用于替换 M8灰狗装甲车 系列,但在1945年二战结束,M38计划取消,只有小量试验型。
M36 GMC | War Thunder Wiki
The 90 mm Gun Motor Carriage, M36 is a tank destroyer used by the U.S. Army during World War II. It used the 3-inch Gun Motor Carriage, M10 chassis, which employed the reliable M4 …
T12 GMC (1942) - tank-afv.com
The M3 Gun Motor Carriage (GMC) was an early tank destroyer designed to carry the 75 mm M1897A4 gun, converted from the regular White M3 Half Track by the Autocar Company. It …
M38獵狼犬 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
M38獵狼犬 (M38 Wolfhound)是 二戰 美軍 的6x6 裝甲車,1944年由 通用汽車公司 的 雪佛蘭 生產,原意用於替換 M8灰狗裝甲車 系列,但在1945年二戰結束,M38計劃取消,只有小量試驗型。
This new vehicle devel-oped by GMC, was to be stan-dardized as the M38 and pro-duced by Ford. As it was, WWII ended before full production could begin. Photographic evi-dence …
Willys M38 and M38A1 (1950-55) - Truck Encyclopedia
The M38 was introduced in 1950 (not 1949 as often seen), used as the primary tactical vehicle for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps in the Korean War. Mofifications made to the CJ-3A and …
WarWheels.Net-T28/M38 Armored Car Index
The M38 Wolfhound was developed from the T28 Armored Car Prototype. The M38 was developed to replace the M8 Greyhound Armored Car, but WWII ended before full production …
M38/猎狼犬/ Wolfhound(美国 步兵战车 | 二战期间)_技点百科_ …
M38猎狼犬 (M38 Wolfhound)是二战美军的6x6装甲车,1944年由通用汽车公司的雪佛兰生产,原意用于替换M8灰狗装甲车系列,但在1945年二战结束,M38计划取消,只有小量试验型。
2024年3月17日 · 采用6X6布局的M38“猎狼犬”是雪佛兰公司在大战中开发的一型打算取代M8“灰猎犬”的装甲车,标配一门37毫米炮和4名乘员。 全车重量只有6.9吨,公路最大速度可以达到97 …