United States 40 mm grenades - Wikipedia
40×46 mm types include the M381, M386, M406, and M441. The M386 / M406 differ from the M381 / M441 in that they have longer arming distances (14–28 meters compared to the 2–3 meters of the M381 and M441).
Cartridge, 40mm HE, M381 - Bulletpicker
This cartridge is a high explosive round designed to inflict personnel casualties from ground burst effect, and is fired from 40mm Grenade Launcher M79 or the M203 (attached to the M16 series rifle). The cartridge is a fixed round of ammunition consisting of a projectile assembly and a cartridge case assembly.
40×46mm SR低速榴弹 ——〖枪炮世界〗
M381 高爆弹在1972年定型,全长3.89英寸(99mm),重0.503磅(227g),引信为 M552 型,保险距离2~3m,弹壳为 M118 型,发射药为330毫克的 M9,最大射程400m,初速76m/s。 M386 高爆弹全长3.89英寸(99mm),重0.503磅(227g),引信为 M551 型,保险距离14~28m,弹壳为 M118 型,发射药为330毫克的 M9,最大射程400m,初速76m/s。 M406 高爆弹虽然编号上并不是排在第一位,但却是在1952~1953年间研制的、第一种正式列装 …
List of 40 mm grenades - Wikipedia
Several countries have developed or adopted grenade launchers in 40 mm caliber. [1] NATO currently uses three standardized 40 mm grenade families: 40 mm low velocity (LV), 40 mm medium velocity (MV), and 40 mm high velocity (HV).
40mm Low-Velocity Grenades - inetres.com
2010年2月25日 · This page describes the most commonly used 40mm low-velocity rounds for the U.S. M320, M203, and M79 grenade launchers. These rounds include high-explosive, illuminating, signaling, CS, training, and multi-purpose ammunition. If fired into snow or mud, 40mm rounds may not hit hard enough to detonate.
CARTRIDGE, 40mm, HE, M381 - uxoinfo.com
This cartridge is a fixed round of ammunition consisting of a projectile assembly and a cartridge case assembly. The projectile consists of an anodized yellow aluminum nose cap, an aluminum forward body assembly. and a steel fragmentation ball with integral fuze assembly.
40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade - Escape from Tarkov Wiki
40x46mm M381 (HE) grenade (M381) is a 40x46mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. A 40-mm M381 (HE) shot with a fragmentation grenade equipped with an instantaneous fuse, which is cocked after the shot, at a distance of 8-10 feet from …
12.7全榴弹数据揭秘:大小与伤害对比 - 百度贴吧
揭秘美国领先世界的40mm低速榴弹的关键技术与内部结构(技术 …
M406榴弹 与 M79榴弹发射器 在越南战争中试用取得成功,从此,打开了美军在单兵手持武器的大门,一系列其它型号的40mm榴弹相继问世,单兵手里抱大炮,人人都能当炮手的单兵美梦成真,靠它的突破,单兵手持榴弹武器成为与步枪、冲锋枪、机枪等轻武器大类 ...
关于塔科夫0.12.7的新玩具——40mm榴弹 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年7月16日 · 唯一的区别是M381和M441的引信解锁距离为2.4-3m,可以实现自爆。 而M386和M406的引信解锁距离长达14-27m,所以在CQB条件下可能会因为距离不足无法引爆,好处则是较为安全。
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