Trousers, Pants, Breeches, etc. - Axis History Forum
2011年4月18日 · • M34 Stone-gray Officer's Breeches (Mounted (Reithhose) and un-mounted (Steifelhose)? - NCO and EM versions? • M34 Panzer Trousers (Panzerhosen) - Was there an M39 version?
【图片】【教程】系列贴 二战德军重演装具进阶指导 背包类【战 …
而M39型虽然有些配有独立背带,但因没有尾挂带的一个点所以几乎无分担装备重量的作用,大多数是采用和Y带配合使用的皮质挂带。 还有就是M39型背包上可以安装A架,增加了携带装备模块化的便捷性。
2020年11月4日 · 行军包主要有M34和M39两种型号,想必不少老玩家对两者的构造区别还是比较清楚的,所以今天简要带过外观和内部区别以后会侧重于介绍行军包的装包过程。
2017年10月9日 · 这款包的原形是本质上相同的挪威军队背包,在第二次世界大战中为盟军的伞兵突击队和特种部队所使用。 它是由棉帆布,皮革和轻钢结构的100%完整的外壳制成! 这支背包的设计是建立在一个基本而实用的原则上,在包装的顶部封闭,包口处的麻绳带和包体上的皮带是完 …
German: Gebirgsjäger | WW2 Airsoft - UK
Gebirgsjäger had their own wide cut trousers (Berghosen) with a narrow taper, reinforced crotch a pronounced seam down the front and canvas or leather straps at the ankle. However standard M37/40 trousers will suffice, M42/43 are a closer match, M43 trousers were based on the Berghosen design.
Berhose for Wehrmacht Mountain troops | Luftwaffe Supplies
German army mountain troops had their own cut of trousers, that is more suitable to the conditions and climbing undertaken by the Gebirgstruppen (Mountain troops). These trousers have peculiar features, which we have reproduced. Where was the Heer feldgrau mountain trousers? Which division used the Field gray Berghose? Was this review helpful?
Uniform/Equipment Photos - 2. Gebirgsjäger
Top Row M43 Keilhosen: intended to replace both the M36 Berghosen which were specialized for Jager troops (the leg attached to the mountain boot), and the M40 Langhosen, which featured …
Photos of Approved Kit - 2. Gebirgsjäger
Efficient use of space and sound absorption of the notoriously noisy mess kit. Wrap the items in cloth to absorb sound. Handkerchief wraps the Spork and Campsuds; Hand towel wraps the Esbit stove and fuel. A modern sponge with a scubber side is useful and helps fill the space. Mountaineering Items.
Schwed. Feldhose M39 Wolle (gebr.) - M15-Store
Hinweis: Die Hosen haben einen recht hohen Bund, wie es zu der Zeit üblich und modern war. Bei den Maßen sollte also auch der Bauchumfang bedacht werden! Die Ausführung kann …
二战德国M39进攻手榴弹,非常危险的小家伙 - 百家号
2023年11月12日 · 德国在1939年研制成功M39型进攻手榴弹,这是一种轻巧便携、功能多样的武器,因为 卵形的弹体,它获得了“鸡蛋手榴弹”的绰号,该弹是二战德军的主要手榴弹之一,一直生产到1945年战争结束。