logos on m3u list - Kodi Community Forum
2015年10月29日 · here is an example of my iptv playlist Quote:#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="I133.39368464.microsoft.com" tvg-logo="Create.png" group-title="USA",Create
How to define TV Channel Logos in your M3U playlist file
2018年2月25日 · How to define TV Channel Logos in your M3U playlist file. linorg Junior Member. Posts: 13 Joined: Apr 2014
how to add logos to items in .m3u playlist file - Kodi Community …
2015年2月15日 · I don't think thank logos is part of the standard m3u specification. Its mainly just a list of items to play. However the player should pull the cover art from the files themselves and use those. I also think some players respect something like a folder.jpg file to specify the album cover art for the media in that folder.
Video Playlist Thumbnails - Kodi Community Forum
2013年5月25日 · Trouble is, they don't appear. What prompted this was that M3U files show up as that generic music playlist icon and I wanted it to just use a folder icon, but when I discovered I could create custom thumbs, I went about grabbing and cropping images. Despite having refreshed the library and rebooted XBMC, the thumbnails haven't changed.
Cant create EPG for my .m3u list. Help is appreciated
2015年7月28日 · In that file the name of the channel you are grabbing should match the name of the channel in the m3u list. I'll leave an example of my WebGrab++.config.xml for spanish channels <settings>
v19 Correct format for M3U file - Kodi Community Forum
2020年7月8日 · I'm unclear why the Pseudotv channel logo's appear correctly on one PVR screen, but appear as thumbnail on another, when they are both using ListItem.ActualIcon. Surely specifying AcualIcon should mean the TV Channel Icon should be displayed in all instances (Unless a channel icon doesn't exist).
Beta PseudoTV Live - BETA - Kodi Community Forum
2020年6月30日 · Once Kodi's API is updated to support multi-instance the process will be automated (M3U/XMLTV/GENRE paths require configuration). If you are using a Central file location (recommend) or a client instance of Kodi using network paths, please configure using its …
EPG (XML file) compatibiliy format - Kodi Community Forum
2024年4月3日 · Hi community, I'm using IPTV Simple client I have a software that provide me an XML file for my EPG. When I load it in Kodi, the EPG is not displaying.
IPTV Simple now supports multiple sets of M3U/XMLTV files via …
2023年2月15日 · One of the most asked for features in IPTV Simple is the ability to be able to load multiple different M3U/XMLTV files. This can now be done natively since 20.8.1 of the add-on. Please note that there was a bug in v20.8.0 where the M3U path type would not migrate correctly to the new instance settings format (user reported needed to change this ...
Converting m3u file to strm file with python code - Kodi …
2024年8月23日 · 2) Downloads the '.m3u' file with the iptv provider information provided by the user, naming it according to the date and time the application was run, 3) If there are no other '.m3u' files in the folder where the downloaded '.m3u' file is located, it also saves it as the 'tobeprocess.m3u' file,