DA FORM 2404, APR 79 Replaces edition of 1 Jan 64, which will be used USAPPC V1.10
Army Publishing Directorate
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When using one DA Form 2404 for more than one item of equipment, enter the serial or administration number for the item with the fault. Write the fault on the line below the serial
DA FORM 2404, FEB 2011 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. APD PE v1.00ES 4a. 8a. 8b. 9b. equipment may be operated under specific limitations as directed by higher authority or as prescribed locally, until corrective action can be accomplished. inspection, component replacement, maintenance operation check, or test flight is due but has not been ...
Fillable Form DA-2404 | Edit, Sign & Download in PDF - PDFRun
Form DA-2404, officially titled "Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet," is a document used by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) for the inspection and maintenance performed on military equipment.
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manuals. DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) will be used to record the results of technical inspections. Refer to TM 38-750 for instructions for the preparation and use of this form. SECTION IV COST ESTIMATES AND ECONOMIC REPARABILITY CLASSIFICATION 7. Procedure. Based upon the technical inspection,
Using the DA Form 2404 for Maintenance Services and Inspections ...
items when using a DA Form 2404 for more than one item or like. models. (14) Column d--Corrective Action. Explain the action taken to. correct the fault. Note any parts replaced or ordered and work done. For equipment needing a DA Form 2409, note repair work done and parts.
Using the DA Form 2404 for Maintenance Services and Inspections ...
DA Form 2404 covers more than one item. Block 4d, "Hot Starts," is left blank. (5) Block 5--Date. The current calendar date is entered in block. 5. (6) Block 6--Type Inspection. Enter the type of inspection or. service to be performed (lubrication, monthly, quarterly, semiannual, etc.).
逆天|详细说说苹果M4、M4 Pro和M4 Max - 知乎
M4是苹果自己设计的芯片,ARM架构,采用台积电第二代3nm制程制造。 其实它早在24年5月就在iPad Pro上搭载了,只是最近才把它放在了Mac上。 这一代同上一代M3一样,是3nm制程。
Figure 27. Completed DA Form 2404 for a no-fault op check.
A DA Form 2404 is completed each time an operational check is done on a communication system. If a system checks good, the completed DA Form 2404 would look like Figure 27.