GLM - HK USA - Heckler & Koch
Developed from HK’s famous line of single-shot 40mm grenade launchers, the lightweight add-on GLM (Grenade Launching Module) uses a fast and easy side-loading breech configuration. …
HK AG-C/EGLM附加型榴弹发射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
HK AG-C/EGLM是一具单发式武器,有著与HK AG36设计相同的横向型中折式装填型枪管、左边侧式 后膛 ( 英语 : Breechloader ) 、连著手动保险杠杆和一支手枪握把的扳机护环、折叠 …
FN EGLM附加型榴彈發射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
這是fn eglm的下掛fn scar-h(mk 17)衍生型,簡稱fn40gl-h。 槍管鎖定杆位於機匣左側,槍管固定到位後,將鎖定桿向前壓下,即可將槍管鎖定。 若想打開膛室,只需將鎖定桿扳起,即可 …
HK AG-C/EGLM附加型榴彈發射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
HK AG-C/GLM(AG,德語: Anbau-Granatwerfer ;EGLM,全寫:Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module,意為:增強附加型榴弹发射器模組)是一款由德国 武器生產公司 黑克勒& …
M203PI EGLM Applications
Since 1996, RM Equipment's M203PI Tactical Mounting System augments the "EGLM System" concept by providing a "stand-alone" platform for the grenade launcher. This compact, …
Matrix EGLM Type 40mm Grenade Launcher w/ Magwell Adapters …
Matrix EGLM Type 40mm Grenade Launcher w/ Magwell Adapters for ASC MK16 MK17 Series Airsoft Rifle (Color: Dark Earth)
榴弹发射器科普:FN EGLM - 哔哩哔哩
2023年5月23日 · FN EGLM(英语:Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module,意为:增强型榴弹发射器组件;公司商业型名称:FN40GL,军用型正式名称:Mk 13 EGLM)是一款由比利时埃 …
M203PI EGLM, Quick-Connect M203
EGLM System: * Virtually any rifle or sub-gun can be equipped with a M203PI Quick-Connect Mount allowing the M203 Grenade Launcher Module to be snapped on and off as easily as …
Lancer Tactical EGLM Commando Grenade Launcher, Black
The EGLM Commando grenade launcher is a very high quality 40mm grenade launcher. It comes with two trigger assemblies allowing it to be mounted on a MK16, MK17, and some M4 aegs. …
Lancer Tactical EGLM 40mm Launcher | Booligan's Airsoft Reviews
The Enhanced Grenade Launching Module (EGLM) is a specially designed grenade launcher for use either as a standalone unit or with certain other weapon systems, including the FN SCAR. …