2019年8月22日 · • The Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) M4A1, referred to as the M4E1 during testing, is operationally effective and suitable. • Overall, the M4A1 detects lower levels …
Joint Chemical Agent Detector - Military.com
The Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) M4A1 is a pocket-size, rugged, handheld detector that automatically detects, identifies, and alarms to chemical warfare agents and toxic...
(U) The Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) will provide state of the art chemical warfare agent detection capability to ground vehicle operators. Intelligence sources estimate that over twenty …
Portable M4 JCAD Detector: Features & Operational Insights
UNCLASSIFIED 2 Equipment Characteristics, Capabilities, and Features Characteristics The M4 JCAD replaces the M43A1 Detector and M22 ACADA The M4 JCAD detector is a portable, …
美军M4联合毒剂检测器(JCAD)的研究进展 | Semantic Scholar
M4联合毒剂检测器(JCAD)是美国各军种装备的下一代毒剂点源检测器的代表,其检测能力已远远超出目前装备的检测器。 作为毒剂点源探测器,加上电池,JCAD仅重0.68kg,其重量不 …
JCAD can detect chem cal agents at concentrat on levels within time durations required to prevent acute health effects to personnel. Its performance was at least as good as currently fielded...
Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) - studylib.net
• Overall, the M4A1 detects lower levels of chemical warfare vapors than the previous production model, the M4. JCAD provides warning of the presence of chemical warfare vapors in …
美军M4/M4E1联合化学战剂探测器 Joint Chemical Agent Detector(JCAD…
2016年9月19日 · 联合化学战剂探测器Joint Chemical Agent Detector(JCAD)用于对人员和装备上沾染的神经性、糜烂性和血液毒剂等有毒化学物质进行提前探测、识别、量化、警告,检测 …
M4 Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) - studylib.net
JCAD can detect chemical agents at concentration levels within time durations required to prevent acute health effects to Service personnel. Its performance was at least as good as currently …
As threats change, the reliable Joint Chemical Agent Detector adapts
2017年12月21日 · Six years ago, the original M4 JCAD was improved with better electronics and a built-in pre-concentrator, which better concentrates the sample before detection. This model …