M41 Walker Bulldog - Wikipedia
The M41 Walker Bulldog, officially 76-mm gun tank M41, was an American light tank developed for armed reconnaissance purposes. [8][9] It was produced by Cadillac between 1951 and 1954 and marketed successfully to the United States Army as a replacement for its aging fleet of World War II -vintage M24 Chaffee tanks. [6]
M41轻型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M41華克猛犬 (英語: M41 Walker Bulldog)是 美國 發展以取代 M24霞飛戰車 的一種 輕型戰車,得名於在 韓戰 期間因車禍身亡的美國名將 沃爾頓·華克。 此戰車分類則可追溯到1950年11月7日,美國軍械委員會所發佈的#33476命令。
Developing the M41 Walker Bulldog Tank - Military Trader/Vehicles
2020年2月4日 · Early models mounted a .50 cal Browning machine gun as the coaxial weapon to the left of the main 76mm gun. Later vehicles mounted a .30 cal instead, and the .30 calibers were retrofitted to the early tanks as time went by.
M41 Walker Bulldog (1951) - tank-afv.com
Compared to M24 Chaffee, the M41 was a much bigger tank, a direct consequence of the main gun's breech block length. The turret was enlarged, with a turret ring 2 inches (50 cm) wider, requiring a longer hull, (19.9 ft vs 16.06 ft or 5.9 m vs. 5.03 m), wider (10.5 vs 9.10 ft or 3.2 vs 3 m), but slightly lower (8.9 vs 9.1 ft or 2.77 vs 2.71 m).
M41輕戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
M41華克猛犬 (英語: M41 Walker Bulldog)是 美國 發展以取代 M24霞飛戰車 的一種 輕型戰車,得名於在 韓戰 期間因車禍身亡的美國名將 沃爾頓·華克。 此戰車分類則可追溯到1950年11月7日,美國軍械委員會所發佈的#33476命令。
【韜略談兵】M41華克猛犬身經百戰 老兵歷久彌堅 | 青年日報
2021年7月29日 · 我國在M60A3與CM11等戰車逐漸服役以後,以柴油引擎、改良型76mm戰車砲及新式射控系統與夜戰系統,改良出50輛M41D戰車;無獨有偶,丹麥也為M41戰車進行改良,配備核生化(NBC)防護系統、雷射測距儀與熱顯像系統,稱為M41DK-1,服役到1998年。
M41 Walker Bulldog: America’s Cold War Light Tank
2023年8月26日 · In addition to the main gun, the Bulldog was equipped with a coaxial M1919A4 .30-cal. machine gun along with a heavier M2 .50 caliber machine gun on an anti-aircraft mount at the turret hatch.
M41 Walker Bulldog Light Tank - inetres.com
2009年12月13日 · Improvements included cast and welded turret, new mantlet, redesigned ammunition stowage, new fire control system, stabilization system, and automatic lead computer. The M41 Walker Bulldog was named for General W. W. Walker who was killed in Korea. Replaced by the M551 Sheridan in U.S. Army service.
军武回顾:M41是美国从上世纪50年代初研制投产,具有重量轻马 …
2024-11-19 18:35 发布于北京 | 420 观看
M41 Walker Bulldog Light Tank (LT) Tracked Combat Vehicle
2021年8月10日 · A trainable 12.7mm (.50 caliber) Browning M2 heavy machine gun could be mounted atop the turret at the commander's hatch to help counter low-flying aerial threats or light-armored enemy vehicles.