M41 Walker Bulldog - Wikipedia
The M41 Walker Bulldog, officially 76-mm gun tank M41, was an American light tank developed for armed reconnaissance purposes. [8][9] It was produced by Cadillac between 1951 and 1954 and marketed successfully to the United States Army as a replacement for its aging fleet of World War II -vintage M24 Chaffee tanks. [6]
M41轻型坦克(英文:M41 light tank [1],绰号:Walker Bulldog,译文:沃克猛犬 [3]),是20世纪50年代初美国研制装备的一种轻型坦克。 M41坦克由 M24轻型坦克 改进而成,加强了火力,重新设计了炮塔、防盾、 弹药 贮存,增配双向稳定器及火控系统,提高了机动性,但防护仍然较弱。 该坦克战斗全重23.5吨,装备一门76毫米坦克炮、一挺7.62毫米同向机枪和一挺12.7毫米高射机枪,动力装置为一台500马力风冷汽油机,最大公路时速72千米,最大公路行程161千米。 该 …
M41轻型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M41華克猛犬 (英語: M41 Walker Bulldog)是 美國 發展以取代 M24霞飛戰車 的一種 輕型戰車,得名於在 韓戰 期間因車禍身亡的美國名將 沃爾頓·華克。 此戰車分類則可追溯到1950年11月7日,美國軍械委員會所發佈的#33476命令。
M41 Walker Bulldog in combat - Mike's Research
2019年3月24日 · The M41 Walker Bulldog was an American light tank developed for armed reconnaissance purposes and to replace the then aging World War II era M24 Chaffee tank. It was produced by Cadillac Motor Car Division of the General Motors Corporation (GMC) at a production facility in Cleveland, Ohio between 1951 and 1954 with a…
M41 Walker Bulldog (1951) - tank-afv.com
The M41 was a real improvement over the M24 Chaffee, it was even more mobile and agile, well-armed to deal with lighter armor than MBTs and ww2-era tanks, with an accurate and fully stabilized main gun.
M41 Walker Bulldog: America’s Cold War Light Tank
2023年8月26日 · American-provided South Vietnamese M41 Walker Bulldog tanks during a training operation. Image: U.S. Army. Perhaps the service, as well as those at GDLS, could look at some lessons from history — notably the successes and failures seen with the M41 “Walker Bulldog” light tank. The light tank concept actually dates back to the First World War.
The Proving Ground: M41 Walker Bulldog - Military …
2009年10月8日 · The M41 was named the Walker Bulldog in honor of General W. W. Walker who died in a jeep accident in Korea in 1951. The doctrine of vehicle design for U.S. forces in the late forties and fifties was commonality.
76mm Gun Tank M41 Walker Bulldog - AFV Database
2024年12月16日 · The M41, originally called "Little Bulldog" but named after Lieutenant General Walton H. Walker after he was killed in the Korean War, contained a pulsing relay turret and gun control system which allowed power traverse and elevation for both the gunner and tank commander's override.
M41 Walker Bulldog Light Tank - inetres.com
2009年12月13日 · Improvements included cast and welded turret, new mantlet, redesigned ammunition stowage, new fire control system, stabilization system, and automatic lead computer. The M41 Walker Bulldog was named for General W. W. Walker who was killed in Korea. Replaced by the M551 Sheridan in U.S. Army service.
M41 Walker Bulldog | Weaponsystems.net
The M41 Walker Bulldog is an early Cold War era light tank of American origin. It was developed just after World War 2 as a replacement for the M24 Chaffee. Service life for the M41 in US service was rather short. As a light tank it was rather heavy and had a tall silhouette, while fuel efficiency was bad.