M41D輕戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m41d的動力系統以柴油機取代汽油引擎,採用美國底特律柴油機出品的二氣門ddc 8v-71t渦輪增壓 柴油發動機(與國軍現役m109、m110自走砲發動機同型),最大出力405匹馬力,最大淨扭 …
M41 Walker Bulldog - Wikipedia
The M41 Walker Bulldog, officially 76-mm gun tank M41, was an American light tank developed for armed reconnaissance purposes. [8] [9] It was produced by Cadillac between 1951 and …
M41D Walker Bulldog - Taiwan - GlobalSecurity.org
The Taiwan army’s M41D light tank is improved from the M41 tank, which can effectively fill the gap in combat power before the third-generation tank entered service. The M41D is the only...
M41D轻战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M41D轻战车是中华民国陆军升级M41A3轻战车的改良型 [1] ,代号取自于柴油化(Diesel),在国军轻战车部队逐渐式微后,成为仅存的轻战车,预计M41D在2028年全数汰除 [2] 。
M41D | War Thunder Wiki
The M41D (Chinese: M41D輕型戰車) was an overhaul upgrade of the ROCA's fleet of M41A1/A2 Walker Bulldogs during the 1990s. As a long-time user of M41 tanks, the ROCA previously …
M41D輕戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m41d的動力系統以柴油機取代汽油引擎,採用美國底特律柴油機出品的二氣門ddc 8v-71t渦輪增壓 柴油發動機(與國軍現役m109、m110自走砲發動機同型),最大出力405匹馬力,最大淨扭 …
M41轻型坦克 - 百度百科
M41轻型坦克(英文:M41 light tank,绰号:Walker Bulldog,译文:沃克猛犬),是20世纪50年代初美国研制装备的一种轻型坦克。 M41坦克由M24轻型坦克改进而成,加强了火力,重新设 …
M-41D型轻型坦克 - 百度百科
M41D - War Thunder Wiki
The M41D (Chinese: M41D輕型戰車) is the overhaul upgrade of the ROCA's fleet of M41A1/A2 Walker Bulldogs during the 1990s as an alternative to new imported light tanks. As a long-time …
M41 Walker Bulldog (1951) - tank-afv.com
The M41D is the local upgrade developed for the Marine Corps and Army, comprising a new gun, modern FCS, thermal sights and new computerized targeting systems, a Detroit Diesel 8V-71T …