7.62×39mm - Wikipedia
The original Soviet M43 bullets are 123 grain boat-tail bullets with a copper-plated steel jacket, a large steel core, and some lead between the core and the jacket. The cartridge itself consisted …
7.62×39mm - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M43步槍彈是蘇聯軍方於二戰後的標準步槍彈藥,並推廣到前 華沙公約國 以及各共產主義國家,這種彈藥在蘇聯軍隊大量裝備到1970年代,才被 5.45×39毫米M74小口徑步槍彈 所取代, …
世界主流军用弹药科普(3)——7.62*39mm M43 - 哔哩哔哩
苏联产的M43弹(57-N-231S)是一种重123格令的铜被甲铅芯弹,伯丹式底火,通常采用钢弹壳。 因为弹体锥度大,上弹非常容易,弹匣也较弯。 该弹较稳定,射入人体组织26cm左右才会开 …
7.62x39 (M43) - BallisticStudies.com
Loaded with soft point (expanding) bullets, the 7.62x39 produces somewhat better performance but due to a combination of low muzzle velocities and low BC’s, bullet expansion is limited, the …
1948~1949年,m43弹开始批量生产并装备部队,配用于sks半自动卡宾枪、ak-47突击步枪和rpd班用机枪,从40年代末到50年代初期生产的m43普通弹是黄铜弹壳的,但是并没生产多少,到 …
Handloading The 7.62x39 mm (M43) | An Official Journal Of The NRA
2018年1月9日 · Although less powerful than the German 7.92x57 mm Mauser rifle cartridge, it offered superior external and terminal ballistics to those of the 9 mm Luger pistol and …
7.62x39mm的M43子弹真的有那么不堪吗? - 知乎
在当时的历史环境中,相比二战时的各种大威力步枪弹,以及北约还在顽固坚持的7.62x51mmNATO步枪弹,M43中间威力步枪弹的全弹尺寸、重量明显减小,有利于提高弹药 …
The King Of Intermediate Cartridges: 7.62x39mm - Gun Digest
2021年11月18日 · The original and most prototypical loading for 7.62×39 is known as M43, a steel-cased round with a 123-grain boat-tail FMJ bullet that has a steel core and a copper …
7.62×39mm | Military Wiki | Fandom
Chinese military-issue ammunition in this caliber is M43 style with a mild steel core and a thin jacket of copper or brass. Chinese ammunition (as well as all other M43 ammunition) is …
Modern Intermediate Calibers 002: The Soviet 7.62x39mm
2016年7月25日 · The original 8 gram (123gr) boattailed steel-cored bullet, also called “M43” like its predecessor, has become the representative load for the whole caliber, even while lead …
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