Danuvia 43M submachine gun - Wikipedia
The Danuvia 39M/43M was a Hungarian submachine gun designed by Pál Király in the late 1930s and used during World War II. The 9×25mm Danuvia submachine gun was designed by Hungarian engineer Pál Király in the late 1930s, and was …
M43 submunition - CAT-UXO
This is the American M43, a High-Explosive-Fragmentation (HE-Frag), projectile-dispensed, Anti-Personnel (AP), wedge-shaped, drag-stabilised, vane-armed, Impact-Inertia-Fired (IIF), …
Wth happened to this sub? : r/M43 - Reddit
As older accounts the new account block won't stop them, so the easiest way to stop is to ban them. If it's a real account they will soon get in touch.
从型号了解一台相机·松下篇 | 2023新版 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
M43是一套由奥林巴斯与松下于2008年携手推出的相机系统,英文是“The Micro Four Thirds system”,直译成中文为“微型三分之四系统”。所以M43里的“43”是指“4/3(三分之四)",不是四分之三,更不是四十三。
m43动态范围和暗部输出效果对比 - 百度贴吧
m43其实想追信噪比就需要靠机内堆栈,按照等效党的说法,全幅iso100,m43要iso25来追平。 但是现实是没有这种规格。 不过你用4张堆栈也实现了四倍进光时间达成类似的效果。
为什么我推荐你入手一台M43 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
m43底小,长焦镜头可以做很小,我挂机就是等效70200视角的掌心炮。旅拍时我就用S52X搭配m43长焦来做焦段补充. ⭕画质:m43无法避免和C幅全幅比较。全幅就不说了,不是一个赛道的产品。主要纠结是和C幅的对比,底大一级压死人的说法,很多人认为C幅能碾压m43。
advice from a long term m43 user: edit for the intended medium
2022年9月29日 · For print edit it on a large high quality monitor which best emulates the colours possible when printed. This will affect how you choose to manipulate things like colour, sharpness and contrast. I struggled with this when I was a new photographer.
穷玩 m43 还要有哪些值得入手的镜头 - 百度贴吧
奥巴9那个镜头盖? 100-300廉价防抖超长焦;适马三剑客等效全幅大三元虚化;15/1.7个人觉得是m43里综合画质体积对焦外观价格最好的镜头,就是焦段太平庸;各家国产手动大光圈鱼眼,个人喜欢国产鱼眼胜过9/f8,f8的光圈实在太小了。
穷玩M43,有哪些宝藏镜头? - 无忌摄影论坛
2024年12月19日 · 43的大部份镜头能做那么小巧,都是牺牲画质利用软件畸变纠正来实现的。 靠算法修正其实是微单的特色了,不单单松下,不过当然,松下是最先做的。 看看索尼的20-70,还有佳能RF14-35L,以前算法能关闭的时候,这2个镜头出的画面就是一鱼眼画面,暗角也明显,后期直接修正到横平竖直的,不过这样设计的好处,镜头设计能小巧很多,镜头的锐度和色散能解决掉,其他都是可以用算法解决的。 我手头现在有DG12-60和奥巴的14-42饼干头,这两个头都 …
Is it dumb to get a Micro 4/3 body and lens just for wildlife ... - Reddit
2023年5月13日 · Not dumb - m43 will never perform as good in low light as FF when comparing sensor to sensor, but Olympus has the best IBIS. That may help get a photo that on a heavier system with lesser stabilisation would be harder. Check out the r/m43 sub, the are lots of examples or ask around! The 75-300 is very good, but for ultimate IQ you'll want to ...
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