Why was only the M48 A2 G A2 moved up but the better ... - War …
2023年8月7日 · Probably not, more likely just another chapter in the painful existence the M48A2GA2 has experienced in war thunder, it was first added at 8.0 with the same ammo as the leopard 1 and performed badly so it was moved down to 7.7, then they gave it apfsds and moved it to 8.3 and once again performed badly and was moved down to 8.0, and now because of the br changes it’s 8.3 again, something ...
Turm III, terrible ammo - Realistic Battle - War Thunder
2025年3月13日 · Funny enough the magach 5 is 8.0 with era and dm23 aswell. Gaijin simply forgot to uptier it aswell when they uptiered the m48a2Ga2. But there is compression again. Just 0.3 above the M48A2GA2 is the sk105 with autoloader and 3rd gen thermals. Gaijin decompressed late war ww2 but compressed early cold war vehicles.
Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024 - War Thunder
2024年1月17日 · The M48A2GA2 and Magach 5 should have the same br in realistic. Right now the Magach 5 is 8.0 and the M48A2GA2 is 8.3. Both have the same firepower. The only difference is that the magach 5 has a bit worse engine but gets era instead. Both really should be the same br => either the M48A2GA2 to 8.0 or the Magach 5 to 8.3
Type 74C its historical APFSDS - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2024年8月28日 · The problem with the T-72 and T64A is that even if they have Uptier, they still have APFSDS and are able to at least deal damage to the top tanks from the front, in the case of the Type 74C and other vehicles with APDS, the problem is that you are not able to damage the T72/64 series tanks from the front, only the lower plate, but the fragmentation of the APDS is poor, And if the T72 stands a ...
T-55a should be at 8.0 - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2024年10月16日 · Absolutely not. The T-55A and M60A1 AOS are the the very definition of 8.3s and perfectly balanced. The M48A2GA2 is unstabilized, the Magach 6 and Rise P are both 8.7, and the ZTZ59D is simply undertiered. I’m talking about AB mode, not RB. The ZTZ59D1 is basically a T-54 (but with better turret armor) + ERA + best APFSDS.
KPz M48A1 - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2023年7月18日 · The M48 was used by Germany for a significantly longer time than the M47, which is also why adding the very first M48, that was used by Germany, would complete the history of it in the actual tech-tree, starting with the M48A1, going over the M48A2C, M48A2GA2, and ending at the Super M48.
Battle Rating changes for January 2024 (post feedback)
2024年1月24日 · Gaijin do you really want me to belive that the F15 is worse than MIG 29G? Jesus… u really didnt learn anything from the past years. STOP balancing vehicles based on win rate… ofc all the dummies in the world rushed to play those F15’s and lost games in a row. PLEASE fix this, for once listen to the players and see reason.
Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)
2024年1月4日 · There is also the M48A2GA2, which suffers from the same problem as the centurion Mk10, they forgot to give it the armor inside the mantlet, when despite not finding data, I would bet anything that what the M48A2GA2 has is the mantlet of the M48 and on it is that mantlet that can be seen in the model, giving it a tablelet thickness much larger ...
Why do russians get apfsds at 8.3? - War Thunder
2024年3月2日 · And don’t forget the Germany M48A2GA2 lol which is also a 8.3 and it has a APFSDS that is still viable until 10.0, the performance of that ammunition is light year ahead of what the T-55 has. mc205v March 3, 2024, 2:20pm
The Fw 190 progression should be improved - War Thunder
2024年9月1日 · Lots of folders have been really bizarre since they were changed like 6 months ago or whenever. Off the top of my head, there’s the M48 Super with the KPZ-70 instead of M48A2GA2, the F4Fs, F4Us, and F6Fs are all jumbled together, the Su-85s, Su-100, and ISU-122s are also all mixed up, Soviet light tanks/IFVs are a mess, and I really thought I could remember more when I began writing this.
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