M48 Patton - Wikipedia
The M48 Patton is an American first-generation main battle tank (MBT) introduced in February 1952, being designated as the 90mm Gun M48, armored, full-tracked, combat vehicle of the medium-gun tank class."
90 MM, M19 artillary shell - Collectors Weekly
The 90mm cannons M36 and M41 were mounted in the M46, M47 and M48-M48A3 series tanks and the M54 cannon on the nifty M56 “Scorpion” anti-tank vehicle. These guns all used the same 90mm ammo. Marry this case up with a nice 90mm projectile of your favorite type (or whatever you are lucky enough to find…) and it will be a great display piece.
90mm Gun Tank M48 Patton III
90mm Gun Tank M48 Patton III, 12,000 built A real departure from the M47. Third in line to be named after US Army’s ardent promoter of tanks during ww1 and legendary commander during WW2, the M48 was a development of the M47 Patton (or “Patton II”).
90 mm gun M1/M2/M3 - Wikipedia
The 90 mm gun M1/M2/M3 was an American heavy anti-aircraft and anti-tank gun, playing a role similar to the German 8.8cm Flak 18. It had a 3.5 in (90 mm) diameter bore, and a 50 caliber barrel, giving it a length of 15 ft (4.6 m).
M48中型坦克 - 百度百科
M48巴顿坦克是美国陆军第三代巴顿系列坦克,它是美国最后一款搭载90毫米主炮的坦克,其后续改进型(M48A5)则换装与M60相同口径105毫米线膛炮。 M48系列坦克生产量达11703辆,各型车生产持续到1959年。 在美国部分M48A5型一直服役至1980年代;而在其他国家中M48A5坦克甚至仍持续担任战备 [5-6]。 M48系列坦克采用整体铸造炮塔和车体,车体前部是船形的,内有焊接加强筋,车体底甲板上有安全门。 车体分前部驾驶舱,中部战斗舱和尾部动力舱,动力舱和 …
【白鹰利剑】美国90mm火炮及其载体与钢铁洪流的甲弹对抗 - 哔 …
2022年1月31日 · 通过加膛压(膛压从M3A1的38000psi猛增至T119的47000psi)的方式,美国开发出新一代90mm火炮—T119。 T119E1被定型为M36,并被安装在M47上。 不久后,轻量化的新90—T139问世,并被定型为M41,安装在M48上。
Universal Adapter M49 Thread | 爱特蒙特光学 - Edmund Optics
70、90 和 125mm 镜头提供标准实验室显微镜所使用物镜的典型高倍率和高分辨率,最大倍率可达 5.5 倍(70 和 125mm)或 6 倍 (90mm)。 提供一套配件,包括用于 C 接口、L 接口 和 Sony 接口的适配器、安装解决方案、垫片和用于机动化的齿轮;有关详细信息,请参阅每个 ...
Cartridge, 90mm AP-T, M318, M318A1, T33E7 - Bulletpicker
This armor-piercing cartridge is for use in 90mm guns against armored materiel. The body of the projectile is made of hardened steel, has a flat base, and has a nose that is shaped to a relatively short ogive.
【意利达 尼龙销子 M49 90mm多少钱】M49/90mm-鑫方盛
鑫方盛一站式工业品采购平台,为您提供意利达 尼龙销子 M49 90mm M49/90mm的报价、规格、型号、采购、价格、品牌等相关信息。 鑫方盛深耕于工业品行业30余年,带您了解意利达 尼龙销子 M49 90mm全面的价格信息。
M49 spotting scope - Wikipedia
The M49 spotting scope, also known as the M49 observation telescope, [1] is a multipurpose scope system used primarily for long range marksmanship observation. It can also be used for observing the effects of artillery fires, wind direction, [2] and other general purposes.