The Innovator of Modular IoT Development Platform | M5Stack
M5Core2 is the second-generation host of the M5Stack Core series, featuring an ESP32 chip and a touchscreen. It is known for its easy stacking, expandability, and rapid development capabilities.
m5-docs - m5stack-store
Core2 是 M5Stack 开发套件系列中第二代主机,在原有一代主机基础上对功能进一步加强,硬件功能更加齐全。 其核心主控 Core2 配备了 ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3,具有两个可以单独控制的 Xtensa® 32-bit LX6 处理器,主频高达 240 MHz ,支持 Wi-Fi 功能,板载 16 MB Flash 与 8 MB PSRAM,可通过 USB Type-C 接口下载程序,强劲的配置满足复杂应用的资源开销。 正面搭载一块 2.0 寸一体化电容式触摸屏,为用户带来更流畅的人机交互体验。 机身内置 震动马达,可 …
M5Stack Core2 ESP32 IoT Development Kit
M5Core2 is the second generation core device in the M5Stack iot development kit series, which further enhances the functions of the original generation of cores. The MCU is an ESP32 kits model D0WDQ6-V3 and has dual core Xtensa® 32-bit 240Mhz LX6 processors that can be controlled separately.
m5-docs - m5stack-store
CoreS3 is the third generation of the M5Stack Core series. Powered by the ESP32-S3 solution, this kit features a dual-core Xtensa LX7 processor running at 240MHz. CoreS3 comes equipped with built-in Wi-Fi functionality, enabling seamless connectivity.
m5-docs - m5stack-store
CoreS3 是 M5Stack 开发套件系列的第三代主机,其核心主控采用 ESP32-S3 方案,双核 Xtensa LX7 处理器,主频 240MHz,自带 WiFi 功能,板载 16M FLASH 和 8M-PSRAM,可通过 TYPE-C 接口下载程序,支持 OTG 和 CDC 功能,方便外接 usb 设备和烧录固件,正面搭载一块 2.0 寸电容触摸 IPS 屏,面板采用高强度玻璃材质,屏幕下方内置一个 30 万像素的摄像头 GC0308,附带 接近传感器 LTR-553ALS-WA,电源部分采用 AXP2101 电源管理芯片及 4 路电源流向控制回 …
GitHub - m5stack/M5CoreS3: M5CoreS3 Arduino Library
CoreS3 is the third generation of the M5Stack development kit series, its core master adopts the ESP32-S3 solution, dual-core Xtensa LX7 processor, the main frequency is 240MHz, comes with ' WiFi function, and the onboard 16MFLASH and 8M-PSRAM; It can download the program through the TYPE-C interface, support OTG and CDC functions, and facilitat...
m5stack/M5Core2: M5Core2 Arduino Library - GitHub
M5Core2 is the second generation core device in the M5Stack development kit series, which further enhances the functions of the original generation of cores. The MCU is an ESP32 model D0WDQ6-V3 and has dual core Xtensa® 32-bit 240Mhz LX6 processors that can be …
M5Stack - Modular Rapid ESP32 IoT Development Board - ESP32 …
Open-source modular toolkits for IoT devices based on ESP32-updated version of ESP8266. With stackable modules, user-friendly IDE, enabling rapid and high-quality prototyping, STEM education, engineering and mechanical use.
m5-docs/docs/en/core/core2.md at master · m5stack/m5-docs - GitHub
M5Core2 is the second generation core device in the M5Stack development kit series, which further enhances the functions of the original generation of cores. The MCU is an ESP32 model D0WDQ6-V3 and has dual core Xtensa® 32-bit 240Mhz LX6 processors that can be …
M5Stack Core2 ESP32 IoT Development Kit V1.1
Core2 V1.1 is equipped with ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3, featuring two independent Xtensa® 32-bit LX6 processors with a clock frequency of up to 240MHz. It supports WiFi functionality and has onboard 16MB Flash and 8MB PSRAM, and supports …