Cartridge, 37mm APC-T, M51, M51B1, M51B2 - Bulletpicker
This round has all of the features of an ideal armor-piercing shot, and is effective against all types of armor plate. The model number marked on the projectile may be either M51, M51B1 or M51B2; rounds so marked are identical in functioning, the B1 or B2 designations signifying only that the projectiles are manufacturing alternatives of the M51.
WW II Ballistics Tank Gun Penetration - USA - Panzer War
The following is my choice of American gun penetration data. This criteria is based on a 50% probability of a successful penetration. A successful penetration is more than 50% of the mass passing through the armor. The US and British 50% criteria are statistically the same.
Cartridge, 37mm TP-T, M51, M51A1, M51A2 - Bulletpicker
The TP M51A2 is similar to the TP M51 and also has a windshield. No information about hazardous components. Description Target practice shot is for use in target practice and general field practice. The A1 modification does not have a windshield. The projectile is the same as that.
37mm M51B2 Armor Piercing Capped Shot with Tracer Round for …
The 37mm M51B2 Armor Piercing Capped Shot with Tracer (APC-T) Round was a crucial component in the U.S. military's anti-tank capabilities during World War II. They were designed to penetrate enemy armor. This round featured a hardened steel core with a cap to improve penetration against angled armor.
U.S. 37mm Anti Tank Rounds for the M3 AT Gun - WWII - Inert …
M2 Canister: For close quarter use against massed infantry. The "projectile" is filled with 122 3/8" (.38cal) steel balls and bursts open as soon as it leaves the muzzle. The effect is that of a large shotgun, with an effective range of 250 yards. American tactics for anti tank warfare were about speed and maneuver.
M51, M51B1 or M51B2; rounds so marked are identical in functioning, the B1 or B2 designations signifying only that the projectiles are manufacturing alternatives of the M51. The complete round...
US 37mm M51 Target Practice Projetile from WWII
2015年10月9日 · Really interesting that your M51B2 projectile is painted under the windscreen. I don't recall seeing that before. Or has it been repainted? Rick - My M51B2 has most definitely been repainted. I have collected US 37mm since 1991. I have never seen a M51A1 TP before.
2019年7月27日 · 英国的装备的轮式装甲车,其性能最出众的要当属戴姆勒MI型装甲车,该型装甲车虽然正面装甲在15毫米左右,却装备了一门40毫米50倍径炮,在北非战役中也是德军装甲兵最害怕碰到的狠角色,经常放完冷炮就凭借着它每小时70公里的时速,跑得无影无踪,事实证明其装备的40毫米火炮可以击穿二战初期美军谢尔曼坦克的侧面和正面装甲,自然对付德军的三号坦克也不在话下,但是德军往往装备着232装甲车和222型装甲车协同作战,其装备的20毫米机炮分分 …
For Trade:37mm M51 or M51B2 AP Shot with new markings - G503
The pictures show: (left) newly painted and marked M51; (center) for comparison an M51B1 with original WW2 markings; (right) newly painted and marked M51B2. Will trade my M51 (left in photos) for your good condition, engraved M51 + $23.
WW2 1942 dated 37mm M51B2 Tank anti-tank shot shell
Buy WW2 1942 dated 37mm M51B2 Tank anti-tank shot shell: GunBroker is the largest seller of Large Bore, Inert & Cannon Ammo Ammunition All: 1005369959
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