M53/M55 self propelled artillery (1952) - tank-afv.com
The M53 155 mm self propelled gun was designed to procure long-range fire support to allied positions while keeping pace with mechanized formations cross-country. It was adopted in 1952 for both the Army and Marine Corps, all made by Pacific Car & Foundry Company.
M55自走炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m55和m53 155毫米自行加农炮为同一系列,共同服役于美国陆军和美国海军陆战队,并参与了包括金门炮战、越南战争等一系列战斗。 1963年起,M55逐渐被具有空运能力的 M110自行榴弹炮 取代 [ 3 ] ,共生产约550辆。
M55 self-propelled howitzer - Wikipedia
The M55 is an American fully enclosed and armored self-propelled howitzer based on the M53 155 mm self-propelled gun and with components taken from the M47 Patton. It has a 203.2 mm (eight-inch) howitzer which can traverse 30° left or right, carrying 10 rounds of ammunition when fully combat loaded.
M53自行火炮(美国) - Военное обозрение
2017年3月7日 · 用于自行火炮T97 155-mm线膛枪榴弹炮M46,枪管长度为45。 该枪配有液压气动反冲装置,并配有活塞门。 快门具有机械和电气释放装置。
155mm SPG M53 - 50megs
2024年9月5日 · The M53 was based on components of the M46 and M47 Patton tanks. The engine and transmission were at the front, and the large turret was at the rear. The entire crew was housed in the turret, with the driver stationed at the front left of the turret.
M53 SPH 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer - Military Factory
2016年9月28日 · The M53 Self-Propelled Assault Gun was developed via automotive components taken from existing M46 and M47 Patton medium tanks appearing during the Cold War. The M53, with its 155mm main gun, provided long-range fire support to allied positions and its self-propelled tracked nature ensured that it could keep pace with mechanized formations and ...
M53 155mm Self-Propelled Gun - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The M53 155mm Self-Propelled Gun was largely deployed in NATO areas and its ammunition was commonly used throughout NATO forces. Nearly all M53's were converted to the 8' M55 standard by the...
The M53/55 – 203.2 mm of American Freedom - Tank Historia
2022年8月2日 · The M53 was operated by a crew of six; driver, gunner, commander and three loaders. At the front of the turret was an 155 mm M46 gun which had been developed from the “Long Tom”. Four recoil compensators helped dampen the massive recoil of this gun, in addition to a large spade at the rear.
M5355用155还是203的炮,调查求证 - 百度贴吧
2024年11月3日 · 现在火炮穿深大概就是该炮管口径的四分之一,203管子也就50左右穿,155的话40左右,区别不大,你不要忘了,口径即是正义
各国重型火炮性能数据(四) - 哔哩哔哩
为了能与华约国部队的第二梯队作战,取代当时已沿用20多年的M114A1式 155mm 榴弹炮,美陆军提出发展具有战略机动性的新型 155mm 榴弹炮,并要求其发射火箭增程弹的射程应能达到 30000m。 1968 年 9 月开始研制,1969 年制造出一门发展型样炮,称为 XM198 式。 1970 年 4 月进行样炮的系统鉴定,1972 年 10 月至 1975 年初进行可靠性试验。 试验期间针对炮尾发生炸裂问题改进了发射装药结构。 1976 年 12 月正式定型为 M198 式 155mm 榴弹炮。
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