M548 - Wikipedia
Its light weight allows the use of a relatively small engine to power the vehicle, a 6V53 Detroit two-stroke six cylinder diesel, with an Allison TX-100-1 three-speed automatic transmission, and allows the vehicle to carry a large payload cross-country and to be transported by fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft.
M548-105mm; M548-85mm; M548-76mm; M548-37mm-2 - GlobalSecurity.org
If the 105mm self-propelled guns or 37mm anti-aircraft artillery mounted on the M548 crawler chassis have been tested since 2018, recently based on the results obtained from the improved...
M548 Cargo and Transport - Eagle Field Foundation
More than just a high-speed tractor. Based on the M113 series armored vehicle, the M548 was built as a light weight tracked support vehicle to fulfill a number of roles in both combat and rear area operations.
Cargo Carrier M548 1-4 - 50megs
2023年8月18日 · M548s were newly-constructed and rebuilt from M548s. The vehicle was 110.75" (281.31cm) tall over the canopy bows. In 1994, M548A1s began to be rebuilt into M548A3s with the RISE enhancements of the M113A3. The new powertrain precluded the use of the air brake kit, and the cab heater was a permanent installation replacing the winch.
The M548 is a fully tracked 6 ton cargo or troop carrier. It is also used to dispense Volcano mine kits. The vehicle was initially deployed during the Vietnam War as an ammo carrier for armored units and artillery. The M548 can be affixed with a Mk19 40 mm grenade launcher or a 7.62 mm or .50 caliber machine gun.
M548履带式运货车 - 百度百科
XM548运货车是利用M113履带式 装甲人员输送车 的机动部件在1960年为美国陆军通信兵研制的,当时作为安装AN/MPQ-32对敌炮兵 雷达 系统的高机动性运载车,但未进入生产阶段。 后来又设计成了一种用柴油机的、代号为XM548E1的改进型车,动力装置和机动部件与M113A1装甲人员输送车通用。 M548履带式运货车的发动机和乘员舱位于车辆前部,空运时驾驶舱顶、两侧、前后部都可以卸下。 载货舱上有后开口,固定着两扇防水密封门。 在较上或较下位置用螺栓铆接6块 …
U.S. M548 Cargo Carrier - The Historical Marker Database
2021年9月9日 · Introduced in 1965, the M548 is the unarmored cargo carrier version of the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier. The M548 was used for carrying cargo, especially artillery ammunition to forward areas. Capable of carring up to 5.45 tons through rugged or swampy terrain the M548 was ideal for its use during the Vietnam War.
M548A3 Cargo Carrier - Federation of American Scientists
The M548A3 is an unarmored full-tracked vehicle that provides transportation of ammunition and general cargo to forward areas in support of field units. The vehicle is capable of carrying a six-ton payload and four men sitting abreast in its cab. The rear cargo deck accommodates the transport of troops and/or materiel.
M548 Full Tracked Cargo Carrier - Heartland Museum of Military …
M548 Full Tracked Cargo Carrier Based on the M113, the M548 vehicles are unarmored lightweight vehicles designed to transport large loads on terrains a typical wheeled vehicle would struggle with. Produced by FMC, this vehicle only weighs 12.8 tons.
M548A3 Cargo Carrier - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The M548A3 is an unarmored full-tracked vehicle that provides transportation of ammunition and general cargo to forward areas in support of field units. The vehicle is capable of carrying a...